Additional comments:
regarding your statement: "All other settings could be controlled at default settings and those such as environmental changes during tests which may vary and are not included in the model were still measured to ensure that they stay more or less constant and do not influence the results significantly. "
Having the settings controlled or held constant is NOT what you should be doing as this will result in an experiment run in an inference space that is likely not typical of future conditions. Therefore your results are limited to those conditions. Have you studied measurement system error? For the additives, are they from one batch or multiple batches? Is there any batch-to-batch variation? You should have a strategy to handle those noise variables. To quote a great experimenter:
"Block what you can, randomize what you cannot" G.E.P. Box
If you can identify all of the noise variables, there are excellent strategies available to partition and assign those sources of variation (e.g., BCBD, BIB, split-plots, repeats, covariates, etc.). Holding them constant is only a good idea when you intend to do that forever. If you cannot identify the noise variables, use randomization to get, hopefully, unbiased, representative estimates of the combination of all of those noise variables. This estimate can subsequently be used for statistical tests.
I doubt that one treatment replicated will provide you with a reasonable estimate of noise, but that's just my experience.
I'm not sure I understand your first bullet point? If there are constraints on the level setting for those variables, you might consider a mixture design. The point of YOUR experiment is to validate the studies done in literature (which were done in a completely different design space) and provide insight into your hypotheses. It is OK for factors to show their effects, large or small and also in relation to other factors in the study. Your argument provides no justification for more than 2-levels (because your supervisors wants...)
Regarding your second bullet point, you have created a fractional factorial. You do this by aliasing higher order effects with 1st order effects. This true for any fractional design. If you alias the 1st order effect with a 2nd order effect, you have Res. III design, If you alias 1st order effect with 3rd order, Res. IV etc. The aliasing is a result of your wanting to economize on treatments as you are suspicious you are not at the optimum design space yet and you're not sure what factors have the greatest effect. You can decide what model to run in JMP. There are several schools of thought to accomplish this. I tend to start with a saturated model and remove terms that are unimportant. Others start with 1 variables and add variables sequentially (stepwise). There is no right way, but you do need to know how to evaluate the models you build and JMP provides a plethora of statistics to help with this.
"All models are wrong, some are useful" G.E.P. Box