I ran into an "problem" when trying to directly use a column list returned from the column dialog (for example {:sex, :age: name}). When I try to use that list directly in Col formulas (Col Mean, Col Sum...) with byVars the formula won't work correctly. Using the list with for example Sum() formula works fine. Is this intended behaviour and does anyone have cleaner ways to build Col Sums from list of columns than the examples I have below?
Below is the example script with Sum() and ColSum() formulas. There are couple of different ways I tried to build the ColSum() formulas but managed to get them working only with Insert Into with expressions and EvalParse (which I will try to avoid due to hassle with debugging).
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp");
dt << New Column("Sum", Numeric, "Continuous", Format("Best", 12), Formula(Sum(:height, :weight)));
listOfCols = {:height, :weight}; //list works here
dt << New Column("SumList", <<Formula(Eval(Eval Expr(Sum(Expr(listOfCols))))));
dt << New Column("ColSum", Numeric, "Continuous", Format("Best", 12), Formula(Col Sum(:height, :age, :sex)));
listOfCols = {:height, :age, :sex}; //won't work here
dt << New Column("ColSumList", <<Formula(Eval(Eval Expr(Col Mean(Expr(listOfCols))))));
//didnt work either
dt << New Column("ColSumList2", <<Formula(Eval(Eval Expr(Col Mean(Expr(listOfCols[1]), Expr(listOfCols[2::3]))))));
Show(dt:sum << get formula);
Show(dt:sumlist << get formula);
Show(dt:colsum << get formula);
Show(dt:colsumlist << get formula);
Show(dt:colsumlist2 << get formula);
//Insert Into with expressions seems to work, currently best option
formulaExpr = Expr(Col Sum());
For Each({value}, listOfCols, Insert Into(formulaExpr, Name Expr(value)));
dt << new column("InsertIntoColSum", << Formula(Eval(EvalExpr(formulaExpr))));
Show(dt:InsertIntoColSum << get formula);
//I could always EvilParse, but trying to avoid it if possible
Eval(Parse("dt << New Column(\!"EvilParseColSumList\!", <<Formula(Col Sum(" ||Substitute(char(listOfCols), {"{", "}"}, "") ||")))"));
Show(dt:EvilParseColSumList << get formula);