A local data filter might work for you. If it does, this method is pretty easy to implement, once you have the script for the overall dashboard. You can just make a bunch of tab pages, each containing the dashboard at a given filter value. Here's an example with bivariate analyses.
If you have several filtering columns, you can concatenate them to produce a single column, whose values you can then loop through using the Local Data Filter.
You can maximize real estate available to the dashboard by closing the Local Data Filter's outline box, and hide this outline box completely, if desired, by changing the outline box's title from "Local Data Filter" to "", and closing it.
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = open ("$Sample_Data\Car Physical Data.jmp");
bivExpr = expr(
Y( :Horsepower ),
X( :Displacement ),
Fit Line( {Line Color( {212, 73, 88} )} ),
Local Data Filter(
Show Histograms and Bars( 0 ),
Add Filter(
columns( :Type ),
Where( :Type == _TYPE_ ),
Display( :Type, N Items( 5 ) )
nw = new window("Tabbed analyses",
tb = tabbox()
summarize(dt, typeList = by(:type));
for(i=1, i<=nitems(typeList), i++,
tb << append(
vlistbox(eval(substitute(nameexpr(bivExpr), expr(_TYPE_), typeList[i])))