suppress Formula Eval(1) [without a data table] is great to trick colleagues - no chance to notice - JMP is stuck and no chance to fight against it, neither via the GUI:
nor via dt << Suppress Formula Eval( 0 );
Some Table operations like Join have a setting to suppress formula evaluations:
If every column is disabled individually, then you have to enable the formula evaluation individually:
Names Default to Here(1);
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
f= Function({},New Column( "height+weight",
Formula( :height + :weight ),
column (6) << Suppress Eval( 1 );
column (7) << Suppress Eval( 1 );
column (8) << Suppress Eval( 1 );
Ncols = ncols(dt);
for (i=1,i<=NCols, i++,
column(i) << suppress eval(0)
fun fact:
the status in the columns menu doesn't get updated automatically, so don't get confused by the gray plus sign: