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Level III

Simpler way to save a new script to data table

(1) I compose a script in a new script window by 'save to script window' for a number of actions, e.g. filtering, plotting etc. This window is not connected to the data table, yet.

(2) To save the script I  go to the data table, open a new script, give it a name, copy paste content from the other script window and then save.


Is there a simple way to save the script to the data table without first having to create a script form the data table? All 'save' options I have found want to save the script directly to file. Example using Big below.


// Filter data

Current Data Table() << Data Filter(
Location( {1179, 225} ),
Add Filter( columns( :sex ), Where( :sex == "M" ) )
// Plot data
Bivariate( Y( :weight ), X( :height ) );


Super User

Re: Simpler way to save a new script to data table

Rather than specifying to 'save to script window', you can 'save to data table', and then right click on the new table script and specify 'Edit' and then you can do your modifications directly on the table script.
