(1) I compose a script in a new script window by 'save to script window' for a number of actions, e.g. filtering, plotting etc. This window is not connected to the data table, yet.
(2) To save the script I go to the data table, open a new script, give it a name, copy paste content from the other script window and then save.
Is there a simple way to save the script to the data table without first having to create a script form the data table? All 'save' options I have found want to save the script directly to file. Example using Big class.jmp below.
// Filter data
Current Data Table() << Data Filter(
Location( {1179, 225} ),
Add Filter( columns( :sex ), Where( :sex == "M" ) )
// Plot data
Bivariate( Y( :weight ), X( :height ) );