Hi there,
I need your support please to find the optimal conditions which allow having the highest Y1 (yield) while keeping Y2 (impurities) lower than 70.
Both responses have equal importance.
I’ve tried with “maximize desirability” after setting desirability. When we set desirability, we have 4 options (maximize, minimize, target and none).
- For Y1: I’ve selected “Maximize”
- For Y2: I am left with the option “Minimize”, but it is not really minimizing but not exceeding an Upper Limit (70). I’ve tried to select “minimize” and play with “Middle” and “low” values and was able to see that I am moving closer to my objective.

My Question n°1 would be how to set desirability for Y2 ?
My second question would be: Is there any way to maximize desirability while keeping a defect rate lower than 2% (the risk of exceeding the Upper Specification limit of 70 for Y2) ? Maybe maximizing desirability but also considering “simulation experiments” ?
Thanks a lot for your support!
Best regards,