You could get the references to Axisboxes with XPath. The XPath I use here is most likely not robust enough and should be improved
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Big");
nw = New Window("",
H List Box(
Button Box("Scale axis ",
Try(fsl = fg << report;
axisboxes = fsl << XPath("//AxisBox");
axisboxes[1::N Items(axisboxes) - 1::3] << Min(20) << Max(100);
V List Box(
fg = Fit Group(
Oneway(Y(:height), X(:name)),
Oneway(Y(:height), X(:age)),
Oneway(Y(:height), X(:sex)),
<<{Arrange in Rows(1)}
Or you can get references to outline boxes and then loop the AxisBox(1)
ows = fg << XPath("//OutlineBox[contains(text(), 'Oneway Analysis of')]");
For Each({ow}, ows,
ow[AxisBox(1)] <<Min(10) << Max(150);