To close this. I was able to find a solution to do what I wanted.
I wrote a function to display my table in a new window and then saved that new window as a png file.
SplitChartCreator = Function({dt,path_to_results},{Default Local},
r = Column Dialog(
split = Col List("Split Columns", Max Col( 10 ), MinCol( 0 )),
splits = r["split"];
st = dt <<
st << Delete Columns ( "N Rows" );
tb = Table Box();
For (i=1,i<=NCols(st),i++,
col = Column(st,i);
colName = col << Get Name;
lstValues = col << Get Values;
type = col << Get Data Type;
If (type=="Character",
tb << Append(
String Col Box(colName,lstValues)
tb << Append(
Number Col Box(colName,lstValues)
content = H List Box(
Outline Box("splitchart", << Outline Close Orientation("Vertical"),
pw = New Window("splitchart", content);
img = pw << getpicture();
img << saveImage(path_to_results||"splitchart.png", "png");
Close(st, NoSave);
pw << Close Window();