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報告來自 LSMeans Differences Student's t 的數據
我正在嘗試使用 LSMeans Differences Student's 表中的具體數據製作報告:
我嘗試了以下程式碼,其中我將“17”更改為 1-30 之間的數字,但沒有任何效果 - 17 用於不同的輪廓框:
sd = Open( "test_table.jmp" );Fitmod = Fit Model(Y( :"Test value"n ),Effects( :Person ),Random Effects( :Day[:Person] ),NoBounds( 0 ),Personality( "Standard Least Squares" ),Method( "REML" ),Emphasis( "Effect Leverage" ),Run(:"Test value"n << {Summary of Fit( 1 ),Analysis of Variance( 0 ), Parameter Estimates( 1 ), Scaled Estimates( 0 ),Plot Actual by Predicted( 1 ), Plot Regression( 0 ),Plot Residual by Predicted( 1 ), Plot Studentized Residuals( 0 ),Plot Effect Leverage( 1 ), Plot Residual by Normal Quantiles( 0 ),{:Person << {LSMeans Student's t( 0.05 )}}}),Where( :ID == "A1" ),SendToReport(Dispatch({"Test value ID=A1"},"Whole Model",OutlineBox,{Close( 1 )}),Dispatch({"Test value ID=A1", "Person"},"Leverage Plot",OutlineBox,{Close( 1 )})));report(Fitmod) [Outline Box( 2 )] << Close( 0 );reportFitmod = Fitmod << Report;sumfit = reportFitmod[Outline Box( 17 )][Number Col Box( 1 )] << Get as Matrix;
meandiff = sumfit[1];
lowerCL = sumfit[3];
upperCL = sumfit[4];term = reportFitmod[Outline Box( 13 )][String Col Box( 1 )] << Get();est = reportFitmod[Outline Box( 13 )][Number Col Box( 1 )] << Get as Matrix;dvalues = [];dvalues = meandiff |/ lowerCL |/ upperCL ;sfactor = term[2];dlg = New Window( "Custom Report",Outline Box( "Selected Values",Lineup Box( N Col( 2 ),Text Box( "Factor of Interest: " ),Text Box( sfactor ), ),tb = Table Box(String Col Box( " ",{"Mean difference: ", "Upper limit: ", "Lower limit: "}),Spacer Box( Size( 30, 30 ) ),,Spacer Box( Size( 0, 30 ) ),,Table Box(CloneTerm,Spacer Box( Size( 10, 0 ) ),,Number Col Box( "Estimate", est ),Spacer Box( Size( 10, 0 ) ),,Number Col Box( "Mean difference", meandiff))));tb << Set Shade Headings( 0 ); // Turn off shaded table headings.tb << Set Heading Column Borders( 0 ); // Turn off table column borders.
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回覆:報告 LSMeans Differences Student t 的數據
Names Default To Here( 1 );
sd = //Open( "test_table.jmp" );
Data Table( "test_table" );
Fitmod = Fit Model(
Y( :"Test value"n ),
Effects( :Person ),
Random Effects( :Day[:Person] ),
NoBounds( 0 ),
Personality( "Standard Least Squares" ),
Method( "REML" ),
Emphasis( "Effect Leverage" ),
:"Test value"n << {Summary of Fit( 1 ), Analysis of Variance( 0 ), Parameter Estimates( 1 ), Scaled Estimates( 0 ),
Plot Actual by Predicted( 1 ), Plot Regression( 0 ), Plot Residual by Predicted( 1 ), Plot Studentized Residuals( 0 ),
Plot Effect Leverage( 1 ), Plot Residual by Normal Quantiles( 0 ), {:Person << {LSMeans Student's t( 0.05 )}}}
Where( :ID == "A1" ),
Dispatch( {"Test value ID=A1"}, "Whole Model", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} ),
Dispatch( {"Test value ID=A1", "Person"}, "Leverage Plot", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} )
Report( Fitmod )[Outline Box( 2 )] << Close( 0 );
reportFitmod = Fitmod << Report;
sumfit = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "Least Squares Means Table" )][Number Col Box( 1 )] << Get as Matrix;
// Get data from CrossTab table
crossTab = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "LSMeans Differences Student's t" )][CrosstabBox( 1 )] << get as matrix;
// Get Where clause variable
whereCol = Word( 2, ((reportFitmod << parent)[Text Box( 1 )]) << get text, ":=)" );
whereVal = {};
Eval( Parse( "insert into(whereVal," || Word( 2, ((reportFitmod << parent)[Text Box( 1 )]) << get text, "=)" ) || ");" ) );
meandiff = Round( Abs( crossTab[1, 2] ), 4 );
lowerCL = Round( Abs( crossTab[3, 2] ), 3 );
upperCL = Round( Abs( crossTab[4, 2] ), 3 );
term = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "Least Squares Means Table" )][String Col Box( 1 )] << Get();
est = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "Least Squares Means Table" )][Number Col Box( 1 )] << Get as Matrix;
testValue = {};
Insert Into( testValue, (Substr( reportFitmod[Outline Box( 1 )] << get title, 10 )) );
dif = {};
Insert Into( dif, Char( meandiff ) || " [" || Char( lowerCL ) || ";" || Char( upperCL ) || "]" );
dlg = New Window( "Custom Report",
Outline Box( "Selected Values",
Lineup Box( N Col( 2 ), Text Box( "Factor of Interest: " ), Text Box( sfactor ) ),
Spacer Box( size( 0, 10 ) ),
tb = Table Box(
String Col Box( "Test Value", testvalue ),
String Col Box( whereCol, whereVal ),
Number Col Box( "Mean, " || term[1], sumfit[1] ),
Number Col Box( "Mean, " || term[2], sumfit[2] ),
String Col Box( "Difference in mean and CI", dif )
tb << Set Shade Headings( 0 ); // Turn off shaded table headings.
tb << Set Column Borders( 1 ); // Turn off table column borders.
tb << Set row Borders( 1 );
tb << border( 1 );
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回覆:報告 LSMeans Differences Student t 的數據
這是腳本的修改版本。我已在 JMP 16 中對其進行了測試。然後,該腳本收集每個單獨擬合模型輸出的輸出並產生最終輸出顯示
Names Default To Here( 1 );
sd = //Open( "test_table.jmp" );
Data Table( "test_table" );
Fitmod = {};
// Determine the levels in the ID column
summarize( sd, ByGroups = By( :ID ) );
// Loop across each levle of ID
For Each( {BG, group}, ByGroups,
Fm = Fit Model(
Y( :"Test value"n ),
Effects( :Person ),
Random Effects( :Day[:Person] ),
NoBounds( 0 ),
Personality( "Standard Least Squares" ),
Method( "REML" ),
Emphasis( "Effect Leverage" ),
:"Test value"n << {Summary of Fit( 1 ), Analysis of Variance( 0 ),
Parameter Estimates( 1 ), Scaled Estimates( 0 ), Plot Actual by Predicted( 1 ),
Plot Regression( 0 ), Plot Residual by Predicted( 1 ),
Plot Studentized Residuals( 0 ), Plot Effect Leverage( 1 ),
Plot Residual by Normal Quantiles( 0 ), {:Person << {LSMeans Student's t( 0.05 )}}}
Where( :ID == ByGroups[group] ),
Dispatch( {"Test value ID=A1"}, "Whole Model", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} ),
{"Test value ID=A1", "Person"},
"Leverage Plot",
{Close( 1 )}
// Save the pointer to the results in the Fitmod list
Insert Into( Fitmod, Fm );
// Set the lists for the storage of the data from the by groups
testValue = dif = sumfit1 = sumfit2 = {};
// Loop across each by group and gather the data
For Each( {rpt, group}, Fitmod,
// Point to the current report
reportFitmod = Fitmod[group] << Report;
// Get the means for the 2 levels
sumfit = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "Least Squares Means Table" )][Number Col Box( 1 )] << Get as Matrix;
Insert Into( sumfit1, sumfit[1] );
Insert Into( sumfit2, sumfit[2] );
term = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "Least Squares Means Table" )][String Col Box( 1 )] << Get();
// Get By Group column
whereCol = Word( 2, ((reportFitmod << parent)[Text Box( 1 )]) << get text, ":=)" );
// Get data from CrossTab table
crossTab = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "LSMeans Differences Student's t" )][CrosstabBox( 1 )] <<
get as matrix;
meandiff = Round( Abs( crossTab[1, 2] ), 4 );
lowerCL = Round( Abs( crossTab[3, 2] ), 3 );
upperCL = Round( Abs( crossTab[4, 2] ), 3 );
// Get the Response variable name
Insert Into( testValue, (Substr( (reportFitmod << topparent)[Outline Box( 1 )] << get title, 10 )) );
// Create the Differeence in mean and CL string
Insert Into( dif, Char( meandiff ) || " [" || Char( lowerCL ) || ";" || Char( upperCL ) || "]" );
// Create the table
dlg = New Window( "Custom Report",
Outline Box( "Selected Values",
Lineup Box( N Col( 2 ), Text Box( "Factor of Interest: " ), Text Box( term[1] ) ),
Spacer Box( size( 0, 10 ) ),
tb = Table Box(
String Col Box( "Test Value", testvalue ),
String Col Box( whereCol, ByGroups ),
Number Col Box( "Mean, " || term[1], sumfit1 ),
Number Col Box( "Mean, " || term[2], sumfit2 ),
String Col Box( "Difference in mean and CI", dif )
tb << Set Shade Headings( 0 ); // Turn off shaded table headings.
tb << Set Column Borders( 1 ); // Turn off table column borders.
tb << Set row Borders( 1 );
tb << border( 1 );
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回覆:報告 LSMeans Differences Student t 的數據
歡迎來到 JMP 社群。
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回覆:報告 LSMeans Differences Student t 的數據
本文原文为English (US)撰写,为方便起见已翻译过。 当你回复时,它也会被翻译回English (US)。
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回覆:報告 LSMeans Differences Student t 的數據
Names Default To Here( 1 );
sd = //Open( "test_table.jmp" );
Data Table( "test_table" );
Fitmod = Fit Model(
Y( :"Test value"n ),
Effects( :Person ),
Random Effects( :Day[:Person] ),
NoBounds( 0 ),
Personality( "Standard Least Squares" ),
Method( "REML" ),
Emphasis( "Effect Leverage" ),
:"Test value"n << {Summary of Fit( 1 ), Analysis of Variance( 0 ), Parameter Estimates( 1 ), Scaled Estimates( 0 ),
Plot Actual by Predicted( 1 ), Plot Regression( 0 ), Plot Residual by Predicted( 1 ), Plot Studentized Residuals( 0 ),
Plot Effect Leverage( 1 ), Plot Residual by Normal Quantiles( 0 ), {:Person << {LSMeans Student's t( 0.05 )}}}
Where( :ID == "A1" ),
Dispatch( {"Test value ID=A1"}, "Whole Model", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} ),
Dispatch( {"Test value ID=A1", "Person"}, "Leverage Plot", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} )
Report( Fitmod )[Outline Box( 2 )] << Close( 0 );
reportFitmod = Fitmod << Report;
sumfit = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "Least Squares Means Table" )][Number Col Box( 1 )] << Get as Matrix;
// Get data from CrossTab table
crossTab = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "LSMeans Differences Student's t" )][CrosstabBox( 1 )] << get as matrix;
// Get Where clause variable
whereCol = Word( 2, ((reportFitmod << parent)[Text Box( 1 )]) << get text, ":=)" );
whereVal = {};
Eval( Parse( "insert into(whereVal," || Word( 2, ((reportFitmod << parent)[Text Box( 1 )]) << get text, "=)" ) || ");" ) );
meandiff = Round( Abs( crossTab[1, 2] ), 4 );
lowerCL = Round( Abs( crossTab[3, 2] ), 3 );
upperCL = Round( Abs( crossTab[4, 2] ), 3 );
term = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "Least Squares Means Table" )][String Col Box( 1 )] << Get();
est = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "Least Squares Means Table" )][Number Col Box( 1 )] << Get as Matrix;
testValue = {};
Insert Into( testValue, (Substr( reportFitmod[Outline Box( 1 )] << get title, 10 )) );
dif = {};
Insert Into( dif, Char( meandiff ) || " [" || Char( lowerCL ) || ";" || Char( upperCL ) || "]" );
dlg = New Window( "Custom Report",
Outline Box( "Selected Values",
Lineup Box( N Col( 2 ), Text Box( "Factor of Interest: " ), Text Box( sfactor ) ),
Spacer Box( size( 0, 10 ) ),
tb = Table Box(
String Col Box( "Test Value", testvalue ),
String Col Box( whereCol, whereVal ),
Number Col Box( "Mean, " || term[1], sumfit[1] ),
Number Col Box( "Mean, " || term[2], sumfit[2] ),
String Col Box( "Difference in mean and CI", dif )
tb << Set Shade Headings( 0 ); // Turn off shaded table headings.
tb << Set Column Borders( 1 ); // Turn off table column borders.
tb << Set row Borders( 1 );
tb << border( 1 );
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回覆:報告 LSMeans Differences Student t 的數據
如果有多個 ID 來產生包含所有不同元素的表,則應該如何更改腳本?可以為此實現一個循環嗎?
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回覆:報告 LSMeans Differences Student t 的數據
我已經修改了 JSL,使其能夠處理多個層級的 ID。
Names Default To Here( 1 );
sd = //Open( "test_table.jmp" );
Data Table( "test_table " );
Fitmod = Fit Model(
Y( :"Test value"n ),
Effects( :Person ),
Random Effects( :Day[:Person] ),
NoBounds( 0 ),
Personality( "Standard Least Squares" ),
Method( "REML" ),
Emphasis( "Effect Leverage" ),
:"Test value"n << {Summary of Fit( 1 ), Analysis of Variance( 0 ), Parameter Estimates( 1 ),
Scaled Estimates( 0 ), Plot Actual by Predicted( 1 ), Plot Regression( 0 ),
Plot Residual by Predicted( 1 ), Plot Studentized Residuals( 0 ), Plot Effect Leverage( 1 ),
Plot Residual by Normal Quantiles( 0 ), {:Person << {LSMeans Student's t( 0.05 )}}}
by( :ID ),
Dispatch( {"Test value ID=A1"}, "Whole Model", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} ),
Dispatch( {"Test value ID=A1", "Person"}, "Leverage Plot", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} )
// Set the lists for the storage of the data from the by groups
whereVal = testValue = dif = sumfit1 = sumfit2 = {};
// Loop across each by group and gather the data
For Each( {rpt, group}, Fitmod,
// Point to the current report
reportFitmod = Fitmod[group] << Report;
// Get the means for the 2 levels
sumfit = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "Least Squares Means Table" )][Number Col Box( 1 )] << Get as Matrix;
Insert Into( sumfit1, sumfit[1] );
Insert Into( sumfit2, sumfit[2] );
term = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "Least Squares Means Table" )][String Col Box( 1 )] << Get();
// Get By Group column
whereCol = Word( 1, (reportFitmod[Outline Box( 1 )] << get title), "=)" );
Insert Into( whereVal, Word( 2, (reportFitmod[Outline Box( 1 )] << get title), "=)" ) );
// Get data from CrossTab table
crossTab = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "LSMeans Differences Student's t" )][CrosstabBox( 1 )] <<
get as matrix;
meandiff = Round( Abs( crossTab[1, 2] ), 4 );
lowerCL = Round( Abs( crossTab[3, 2] ), 3 );
upperCL = Round( Abs( crossTab[4, 2] ), 3 );
// Get the Response variable name
Insert Into( testValue, (Substr( (reportFitmod << topparent)[Outline Box( 1 )] << get title, 10 )) );
// Create the Differeence in mean and CL string
Insert Into( dif, Char( meandiff ) || " [" || Char( lowerCL ) || ";" || Char( upperCL ) || "]" );
// Create the table
dlg = New Window( "Custom Report",
Outline Box( "Selected Values",
Lineup Box( N Col( 2 ), Text Box( "Factor of Interest: " ), Text Box( term[1] ) ),
Spacer Box( size( 0, 10 ) ),
tb = Table Box(
String Col Box( "Test Value", testvalue ),
String Col Box( whereCol, whereVal ),
Number Col Box( "Mean, " || term[1], sumfit1 ),
Number Col Box( "Mean, " || term[2], sumfit2 ),
String Col Box( "Difference in mean and CI", dif )
tb << Set Shade Headings( 0 ); // Turn off shaded table headings.
tb << Set Column Borders( 1 ); // Turn off table column borders.
tb << Set row Borders( 1 );
tb << border( 1 );
你現在的工作是研究腳本,了解它的作用。該腳本適用於您指定的範例資料表和擬合模型。但是,具有不同欄位和不同擬合模型執行的不同資料表可能不適用於產生報告輸出的 JSL。您需要具備足夠的知識才能修改腳本以滿足您的需求。
腳本指南和腳本索引是很好的參考,可在 JMP 的「幫助」下拉式選單下找到。
當然,JMP 討論社群將幫助您學習腳本。
本文原文为English (US)撰写,为方便起见已翻译过。 当你回复时,它也会被翻译回English (US)。
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回覆:報告 LSMeans Differences Student t 的數據
我嘗試運行該腳本,但出現錯誤。我嘗試瀏覽舊案例並谷歌搜尋 For Each 函數和錯誤,並嘗試修改腳本但無濟於事。我的版本是 16,這會對腳本造成問題嗎?
我相信該錯誤源於 {rpt, group},因為我嘗試刪除 For Each 中的所有內容,但仍然收到此錯誤。
大部分我都能理解,但是我們從哪裡得到這個rpt以及它是如何使用的呢?它只在 For Each( {rpt, group} ...) 中提到,所以我無法合理地解釋它是如何適合的。
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回覆:報告 LSMeans Differences Student t 的數據
您使用什麼版本的 JMP? For Each() 已在版本 16 中加入 JMP 中。
本文原文为English (US)撰写,为方便起见已翻译过。 当你回复时,它也会被翻译回English (US)。
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回覆:報告 LSMeans Differences Student t 的數據
我使用 JMP 版本 16.1.0,所以這一定是原因。
FitMod 函數是否需要替換為其他函數,或者 FitMod 仍然可以以不同的方式使用嗎?
本文原文为English (US)撰写,为方便起见已翻译过。 当你回复时,它也会被翻译回English (US)。
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回覆:報告 LSMeans Differences Student t 的數據
這是腳本的修改版本。我已在 JMP 16 中對其進行了測試。然後,該腳本收集每個單獨擬合模型輸出的輸出並產生最終輸出顯示
Names Default To Here( 1 );
sd = //Open( "test_table.jmp" );
Data Table( "test_table" );
Fitmod = {};
// Determine the levels in the ID column
summarize( sd, ByGroups = By( :ID ) );
// Loop across each levle of ID
For Each( {BG, group}, ByGroups,
Fm = Fit Model(
Y( :"Test value"n ),
Effects( :Person ),
Random Effects( :Day[:Person] ),
NoBounds( 0 ),
Personality( "Standard Least Squares" ),
Method( "REML" ),
Emphasis( "Effect Leverage" ),
:"Test value"n << {Summary of Fit( 1 ), Analysis of Variance( 0 ),
Parameter Estimates( 1 ), Scaled Estimates( 0 ), Plot Actual by Predicted( 1 ),
Plot Regression( 0 ), Plot Residual by Predicted( 1 ),
Plot Studentized Residuals( 0 ), Plot Effect Leverage( 1 ),
Plot Residual by Normal Quantiles( 0 ), {:Person << {LSMeans Student's t( 0.05 )}}}
Where( :ID == ByGroups[group] ),
Dispatch( {"Test value ID=A1"}, "Whole Model", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} ),
{"Test value ID=A1", "Person"},
"Leverage Plot",
{Close( 1 )}
// Save the pointer to the results in the Fitmod list
Insert Into( Fitmod, Fm );
// Set the lists for the storage of the data from the by groups
testValue = dif = sumfit1 = sumfit2 = {};
// Loop across each by group and gather the data
For Each( {rpt, group}, Fitmod,
// Point to the current report
reportFitmod = Fitmod[group] << Report;
// Get the means for the 2 levels
sumfit = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "Least Squares Means Table" )][Number Col Box( 1 )] << Get as Matrix;
Insert Into( sumfit1, sumfit[1] );
Insert Into( sumfit2, sumfit[2] );
term = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "Least Squares Means Table" )][String Col Box( 1 )] << Get();
// Get By Group column
whereCol = Word( 2, ((reportFitmod << parent)[Text Box( 1 )]) << get text, ":=)" );
// Get data from CrossTab table
crossTab = reportFitmod[Outline Box( "LSMeans Differences Student's t" )][CrosstabBox( 1 )] <<
get as matrix;
meandiff = Round( Abs( crossTab[1, 2] ), 4 );
lowerCL = Round( Abs( crossTab[3, 2] ), 3 );
upperCL = Round( Abs( crossTab[4, 2] ), 3 );
// Get the Response variable name
Insert Into( testValue, (Substr( (reportFitmod << topparent)[Outline Box( 1 )] << get title, 10 )) );
// Create the Differeence in mean and CL string
Insert Into( dif, Char( meandiff ) || " [" || Char( lowerCL ) || ";" || Char( upperCL ) || "]" );
// Create the table
dlg = New Window( "Custom Report",
Outline Box( "Selected Values",
Lineup Box( N Col( 2 ), Text Box( "Factor of Interest: " ), Text Box( term[1] ) ),
Spacer Box( size( 0, 10 ) ),
tb = Table Box(
String Col Box( "Test Value", testvalue ),
String Col Box( whereCol, ByGroups ),
Number Col Box( "Mean, " || term[1], sumfit1 ),
Number Col Box( "Mean, " || term[2], sumfit2 ),
String Col Box( "Difference in mean and CI", dif )
tb << Set Shade Headings( 0 ); // Turn off shaded table headings.
tb << Set Column Borders( 1 ); // Turn off table column borders.
tb << Set row Borders( 1 );
tb << border( 1 );
本文原文为English (US)撰写,为方便起见已翻译过。 当你回复时,它也会被翻译回English (US)。