Hi @PolygonBison420,
Welcome in the Community !
In order to create a similar design, you can go in "DoE" menu, then "Classical" and "Response Surface Design".
You can then specify the 3 continuous factor and 3 responses.
Then you have the choice between different designs :

The CCD with Uniform Precision does contain 6 centre points, like in your example.
Then, select the axial value corresponding to rotatable design (1,682 for 3 continuous factors) :

And you'll end up with a similar design to the one you have shown. Here is the script to generate the design :
Response Surface Design,
{Add Response( Maximize, "Capacity factor (k)", ., ., . ),
Add Response( Minimize, "Retention time (Rt2)", ., ., . ),
Add Response( Maximize, "Resolution (RS12)", ., ., . ),
Change Factor Settings( 1, 55, 65, "A: Organic Solvent" ),
Change Factor Settings( 2, 0.8, 1.2, "B: Flow rate" ),
Add Factor( Continuous, 3, 4, "C: pH", 0 ), Set Random Seed( 31406552 ),
Make Design( 2 ), Set Axial Choice( 1 ), Center Points( 6 ),
Simulate Responses( 0 ), Save X Matrix( 0 ), Set Run Order( Randomize ),
Make Table}
For more infos about Response Surface Designs, you can look here : Build a Response Surface Design (jmp.com)
In order to analyze each model linked to the responses, you can have a look here : Standard Least Squares Models (jmp.com)
I attach the design datatable with a script "Fit Least Squares" that provides the analysis of the responses (please take note that I am not sure that the target for each response is correct, i.e Capacity factor should be maximized, Retention time should be minimized, and Resolution should be maximized ?).
You can try it yourself by launching the script "Model", selecting the responses (model is already defined, but if you have to do it manually you can select the factors and use the macro "Response Surface") and check "Fit Separately". You can then compare the models in the publication with yours.
Hope this answer will help you,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)