Hello Experts,
I'm trying to automate updating my "GetLimitTable" with new data (I'm using Levey Jennings).
How to replace value of specific row in Table B with value from specific column in Table A?
For example, I want to;
- replace row _Std Dev Value from 18.769 (Table B) with 10.312 (Robust Standard Deviation Table A)
- replace row _Mean Value from 166.526 (Table B) with 166.1056 (Robust Mean Table A)
- replace row _LCL Value from 110.219 (Table B) with 135.145 (3*RobustStdDev Below Mean Table A)
- replace row _UCL Value from 222.833 (Table B) with 197.0656 (3*RobustStdDev Above Mean Table A)
Thank you in advance
(I'm using JMP 17)