Just to add a possible different perspective...
If you create the blocks using JMP it will, by default, consider the block a random effect. This will allow the block effect to be assigned and hence removed from the error estimate thereby reducing the MS error and increasing the likelihood of detecting factor effects (increasing the MSfactor/MSerror or F-Ratio).
If, however, you can identify and assign the factors that make up the noise in the blocks (you do this intentionally), you can then treat the block as a fixed effect in the model. This now allows for the estimation of not only the block, but the block by factor interactions. In a RCBD, you would get full resolution of the block effect. This is an extremely important opportunity. Why? The block by factor interactions are estimates of noise by factor interactions. A significant noise by factor interaction sounds like this...The effect of your design factor depends on noise. That would be a serious problem since you are, at some point, trying to set the design factors to their optimum levels. What optimum levels you would choose would depend on noise. This is the robust design problem. Treating the block as a fixed effect, you can now quantify and estimate the robustness of your design to noise, (essentially robust design is the absence of noise by factor interactions...your design performs consistently over changing noise.)
In your case, you would have resolution V of the design factors (2^5-1) able to separate 1st and 2nd order effects AND you would get all Block and Block by factor effects. 31 DF's
Y = (A+B+C+D+E+AB+AC+AD+AE+BC+BD+BE+CD+CE+DE)(1+Block)+Block
"All models are wrong, some are useful" G.E.P. Box