Hi @Mittman ,
Although I'm not sure what the actual underlying algorithm is, there is only very limited tuning done on the Lasso modeling.by L1 penalization. It's pretty good at shrinking unimportant factors, but isn't all that great if you have multicollinearity between factors and response. Something to keep in mind is that when you use cross-validation (using the validation column), the algorithm uses that to then start minimizing the estimates for the factors. This helps the algorithm to drive unimportant factors to 0 and simplifies the model. If you re-run (even using the same grid spacing/spacing type, and penalty fraction), you will end up with a different model because it will use a different validation method to simplify the model. If you want to compare models fit with your validation column vs ones using AICc or K-fold, with each model you generate, you can go to the red hot button next to the fit and select Save Columns > Save Prediction Formula. You can then compare how well different models fit the response, e.g. under Model Comparison platform.
Some other thoughts:
1. You might consider doing the Elastic Net as it combines both L1 (Lasso) and L2 (Ridge) penalized methods. Kind of the best of both worlds.
2. You might want to run some bootstrap or simulations on the estimates for the factors to determine their magnitude and if they a really are important or not. Be sure to compare the magnitude to the Std Error of the estimate to see if the error is larger than the estimate itself.
3. If you're working on building models, it's a good idea to run through other modeling platforms in JMP to see which model fits better. It could be that a KNN or SVM, or NN model actually outperforms the other models in terms of predictive capability. Be sure to look at some of the other modeling platforms like SLS, GenLinReg, etc. You never know which model will end up outperforming the others.
4. If you're using a validation column for cross validation, you might consider how you're partitioning the data into training and validation, as this can affect model performance.
5. If your data comes from a DOE, and you're using the GenReg platform, as a rule of thumb, it is best to limit yourself to the first five estimation methods in the GenReg platform.
Hope this helps!,