The answer is:
dt = New Table( "RangeCheckDB",Add Rows( 6 ),New Column( "X",Numeric,"Continuous",Format( "Best", 12 ),
Range Check( LELT( 0, 100 ) ),Set Selected,Set Values( [0.46, 0.06, -903.19, 0.1, 1555, -233] )));
col = Column( dt, "X" );
prop = col << Get Property( "Range Check" ); // prop = Range Check( LELT( 0, 100 ) )
col << Delete property( "Range Check" ); // Delete property from col
// Set property back to original value
Eval( // Evaluate the expression
Eval Expr( // Evaluate items marked with Expr()
col << set property( "Range Check", Expr( Arg Expr( prop, 1 ) ) ) // Arg Expr( prop, 1 ) == LELT( 0, 100 )