Interactions with the Nominal factor are the way to handle this, along with a more "traditional" quadratic polynomial.
I thought it might be easiest to show how to do this with an example, which I have attached. Your factors are X and NomX. The Y1 column has a simple quadratic. The "Y1 + 2" column is the same simple quadratic, but shifted two units along the X-axis. The Y column is a response that uses the Y1 quadratic if NomX is A and uses the "Y1 + 2" quadratic if NomX is B. This column mimics your situation.
Using Fit Model, your model would have these terms:
I have saved this model as a script. Notice that if the quadratic effect could change with the nominal X, then you would need the term X*X*NomX.
The NomX term will indicate how the intercept of the model changes when your nominal factor changes.
The X*NomX term shows how the slope changes when your nominal factor changes.
So, if you look at the models, you can see that the models are essentially:
Y1-hat = 10 - 1*X*X
(Y1+2)-hat = 6 + 4*X - 1*X*X. This is how a shifted quadratic form would look.
Finally, for the Y-hat model,
if NomX = A
Y-hat = 8 + 2 + 2*X - 2*X - 1*X*X = 10 - 1*X*X (which matches the Y1-hat model)
If NomX = B
Y=hat = 8 - 2 + 2*X + 2*X - 1*X*X = 6 + 4*X - 1*X*X (which matches the (Y1+2)-hat model)
Notice how the shift affects the parameters. The shift of two units is captured by the parameter estimates for the terms involving NomX.
Dan Obermiller