You can also "force" JMP to use ordering of non-numeric columns through JSL, but this might be a bug and not a feature so might be a bit risky to use:
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = New Table("table",
Add Rows(5),
New Column("Col", Character, "Nominal", Set Values({"YRFCA1", "YRTCB1", "YRACB2", "YRTCC0", "YAAAA4"})),
New Column("order", Character, "Nominal", Formula(Right(:Col, 3)))
dt = Graph Builder(Variables(X(:Col, Order By(:order, Ascending))), Elements(Points(X, Legend(34))));
You can do it also directly from Graph builder by using two x-axis label rows:
Then if you want to you canopen x-axis settings and then do some modifications to other label's settings to hide it (in this case order):
and you end up with:
Then you could change the x-axis to remove the order /.