Here's some starter JSL. (Thanks @txnelson .) It will need some love and care to make it do what you need, but I think it demonstrates the problem and a solution. I'd definitely expect this code to break when JMP has a new major release because it relies on (among other things) the order JMP writes commands to an SVG file, which could change for a number of reasons in the future. (Also after playing with it, I'm not sure it is really what you want, at least not without some more thought about the user interface.)
Edit 1: JSL should run in JMP 15 and 16 now...
Edit 2: attempting to add the try(...)
// *** choose big class or random data, below ***
// example JSL for auto-zoom on constellation plot
// because the constellation plot uses its own internal coords for the diagram and does
// not expose them, this code may break at any time in the future. Or past. Or now.
// This JSL saves the graph as SVG and attempts to load the SVG as XML and discover
// where the node IDs are plotted. It uses that info to reposition the axes when rows
// are selected. This JSL uses some global flags to decide if the graph is being used
// for row selection, in which case the axis update is delayed so the data does not
// jump around under the selection rectangle. Part of that fix means an extra mouse
// move is required to trigger the redraw. This JSL also uses some features of XML
// import to deal with the SVG pattern. If the SVG writer changes the way it handles
// text or ellipses, it will need rework.
If( 0, // 1 for big class, 0 for big data
dt = Open( "$sample_data/big" );
dt << Graph Builder( Size( 525, 454 ), Show Control Panel( 0 ), Variables( X( :weight ), Y( :height ) ), Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 3 ) ) ) );
zoom = 10;//<<<<<<<<<<<< adjust for number of nodes
hc = dt << Hierarchical Cluster( Y( :height, :weight ), Color Clusters( 1 ), Method( "single" ), Standardize By( "Columns" ),
Show Dendrogram( 0 ), Dendrogram Scale( "Distance Scale" ), Number of Clusters( 5 ), Constellation Plot( 1 ) );//
,// else make some random data with clusters. 3000 is beginning to lag enough to not be fun, but still usable...
nObs = 2000;
dt = New Table( "Untitled",
New Column( "name", values( 1 :: nObs ) ), // in this table, or bigclass, name is the id
New Column( "x", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "Best", 12 ), values( J( nObs, 1, Random normal(random integer(1,3),.25 ) ) )),
New Column( "y", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "Best", 12 ), values( J( nObs, 1, Random normal(random integer(1,3),.25 ) ) ) ),
Set Label Columns( :name )
dt:name << datatype( "character" );// it needs to match the character data from XML, like bigclass
dt << Graph Builder( Size( 525, 454 ), Show Control Panel( 0 ), Variables( X( :x ), Y( :y ) ), Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 3 ) ) ) );
zoom = 100;//<<<<<<<<<<<< adjust for number of nodes
hc = dt << Hierarchical Cluster( Y( :x, :y ), Color Clusters( 1 ), Method( "FastWard" ), Standardize By( "Columns" ),
Show Dendrogram( 0 ), Dendrogram Scale( "Distance Scale" ), Number of Clusters( 9 ), Constellation Plot( 1 ) );
// make an SVG picture of the constellation, name it with an XML extension
CP = Report( hc )[Outline Box( "Constellation Plot" )];
(CP[framebox( 1 )]) << savepicture( "$temp/constellationPlot.svg", "svg" );
try( deletefile("$temp/constellationPlot.svg.xml") );
// open it once to get the constellation coordinates for each row
// this is complicated because one row is at zero degrees and becomes a special case.
// "ellipse" is the marker's center for either case, but text is nested deeper (or not) for
// the two cases, and needs a separate row-maker. By forcing both text fields to be named
// "nodename" they are put in the same column.
// the coords are typically 0..500, see bounding box below.
dtPositions = Open(
XML Settings(
Stack( 1 ),
Row( "/svg/g/g/g/g/g/g/g" ),
Row( "/svg/g/g/g/g/g/text" ),
Col( "/svg/g/g/g/g/g/text", Column Name( "nodename" ), Fill( "Use Once" ), Type( "Character" ) ),
Col( "/svg/g/g/g/g/g/ellipse/@cx", Column Name( "xx" ), Fill( "+", "/svg/g/g/g/g/g/ellipse/@cx" ), Type( "Numeric" ) ),
Col( "/svg/g/g/g/g/g/ellipse/@cy", Column Name( "yy" ), Fill( "+", "/svg/g/g/g/g/g/ellipse/@cy" ), Type( "Numeric" ) ),
// above: ellipse is before text. There are many unlabelled ellipse, the +...@ drops old ones as new ones show up.
// most recent ellipse center is combined with the text ID for the nodename.
// either nodename goes in the nodename col; one happens sometimes when a label is horizontal
// (0 degrees leave out the transform, see alice single-link case).
Col( "/svg/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/text", Column Name( "nodename" ), Fill( "Use Once" ), Type( "Character" ) )
XML Wizard( 0 )// use 1 to reopen wizard if something needs to change for SVG in the future
// open it again to get the bounding box coordinates (typ 0..500). They are needed for scaling the data above into 0..1 coords.
dtSize = Open(
XML Settings(
Stack( 1 ),
Row( "/svg" ),
Col( "/svg/g/g/rect/@x", Column Name( "xmin" ), Fill( "Use Once" ), Type( "Numeric" ) ),
Col( "/svg/g/g/rect/@y", Column Name( "ymin" ), Fill( "Use Once" ), Type( "Numeric" ) ),
Col( "/svg/g/g/rect/@width", Column Name( "xwide" ), Fill( "Use Once" ), Type( "Numeric" ) ),
Col( "/svg/g/g/rect/@height", Column Name( "yhigh" ), Fill( "Use Once" ), Type( "Numeric" ) )
XML Wizard( 0 )
// add the xx and yy cols back into the source table. You probably don't want to save these later. Maybe you'd rather update to the temp file.
dt << Update( With( dtPositions ), Match Columns( :name = :nodename ), Add Columns from Update Table( :xx, :yy ) );
Close( dtPositions, nosave );
// Jim Nelson's code for the row state handler started this...modified a bit. Capture the original axis range.
maxX = CP[axisbox( 2 )] << get Max;
minX = CP[axisbox( 2 )] << get Min;
maxY = CP[axisbox( 1 )] << get Max;
minY = CP[axisbox( 1 )] << get Min;
f = Function( {a}, // this "a" is only the rows that just changed state, sel or unsel
If( outside, // the mouse is outside of the graph, OK to update the axes
// for zooming, we need *all* the selected rows to get a bounding box
a = (dt << getselectedrows);
If( N Rows( a ) > 0,
minSelectedX = 99e99;// the loop below captures min and max for x and y
maxSelectedX = -99e99;
minSelectedY = 99e99;
maxSelectedY = -99e99;
For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( a ), i += 1,
If( Selected( Row State( dt, a[i] ) ),
xxx = (dt:xx[a[i]] - dtsize:xmin[1]) / dtsize:xwide[1]; // SVG 0..500 -> unit space 0..1
yyy = (dt:yy[a[i]] - dtsize:ymin[1]) / dtsize:yhigh[1];
// the axis range is typically -10..10, and the 0..500 SVG range has to be mapped back to the axis
xxx = minX + xxx * (maxX - minX); // 0..1 -> axis range. This is the Constellation Plot's internal coords
yyy = minY + (1 - yyy) * (maxY - minY);
minSelectedX = Min( minSelectedX, xxx ); // capture the range of the selected rows
maxSelectedX = Max( maxSelectedX, xxx );
minSelectedY = Min( minSelectedY, yyy );
maxSelectedY = Max( maxSelectedY, yyy );
If( minSelectedX <= maxSelectedX & minSelectedY <= maxSelectedY, //if we got something captured, zoom in
z = max( (maxX - minX) / zoom, (maxY - minY) / zoom );
CP[axisbox( 2 )] << Min( minSelectedX - z ); // the zoom is <= than zoom/2 depending on range of selection
CP[axisbox( 2 )] << Max( maxSelectedX + z );
CP[axisbox( 1 )] << Min( minSelectedY -z);
CP[axisbox( 1 )] << Max( maxSelectedY +z);
, // unzoom, handle nothing selected
CP[axisbox( 2 )] << Min( MinX );
CP[axisbox( 2 )] << Max( MaxX );
CP[axisbox( 1 )] << Min( MinY );
CP[axisbox( 1 )] << Max( MaxY );
, //
selectionNeedsUpdating = 1;// remember something changed while the cursor was inside the graph
rs = dt << make row state handler( f );
// use mousebox to detect if the cursor is over the graph and the axis changes need to be locked out
CPP = CP << parent;
Insert Into( CPP, mb = MouseBox( Remove From( cPP, 1 ) ) );
// mostly need to prevent moving the axes during a rectangle select...
outside = 1;// global, is the cursor outside the graph?
selectionNeedsUpdating = 0; // anything happed recently?
mb << setTrack(
Function( {this, clickpt}, // in the graph, the mouse is not pressed
outside = (clickpt[1] < 0);// clickpt is -1,-1 when leaving the graph box
If( selectionNeedsUpdating,
selectionNeedsUpdating = 0;
outside = 1;// allow the update to happen, pretend the mouse is out of the graph
temp = Row State( dt, 1 );
Row State( dt, 1 ) = Selected State( 1 )/*tickle the handler to trigger the update*/;
Row State( dt, 1 ) = Selected State( 0 );
Row State( dt, 1 ) = temp; /* restore*/
) << setTrackEnable( 1 );
// hook into the graph's update by adding a graphic script.
// use that hook to show the selected points...more
(CP[framebox( 1 )]) << addgraphicsScript(
//"back", // color goes under the black dot
"front",// color goes on top
a = (dt << getselectedrows);
Fill Color( RGB Color( .2, .8, .8 ) ); // medium cyan
transparency(.5);// for "front" fill, solid is better for "back"
For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( a ), i += 1,
xxx = (dt:xx[a[i]] - dtsize:xmin[1]) / dtsize:xwide[1];
yyy = (dt:yy[a[i]] - dtsize:ymin[1]) / dtsize:yhigh[1];
xxx = minX + xxx * (maxX - minX); // same conversion described earlier
yyy = minY + (1 - yyy) * (maxY - minY);
// circle's radius is 1/50 of the graph's height
size = ((CP[axisbox( 1 )] << get Max) - (CP[axisbox( 1 )] << get Min)) / 50;
Circle( {xxx, yyy}, size, "FILL" );