I have set of data that includes different cell groups, cultured over 16 days. the cell count is measured every 2 days (sampling days)
I'm looking at multiple regression to check the difference in the cell group*sampling days. I have a total of 9 sampling days and 7 cell groups. my problem is that my parameter estimates do not show the last sampling period (eg. cellgroup1*day 16, cellgroup2*day 16). in fact all cellgroup*day16 does not show up. do you have idea how to solve this issue please and how can I check for significance between cell groups in each sampling date without having to make dummy variable for each cell group and each sampling date.
Can I use two-way ANOVA instead? my residual plot looks like this, so I'm not sure if this violates the assumption of ANOVA as I have a control group that has very high cell count
it would be a lifesaver if someone can answer me. Thank you so much!