I am creating a report based on a very large set of Contingency tables created by using Fit Y by X, by factor Z. Example:
A Data Table has three columns X, Y, Z
When I select Analyze, Fit Y by X, By factor Z, I get all contigency tables, where each table is for each Z factor.
The only row in each contingency table I want is the row% so I deselected display of the other three rows before selecting Make into a Data Table after right clicking on the red arrow.
After turning off Mosic Plots and Tests, and leaving just the Contingency tables, I want to concatenate all of these tables into a single table with a column that lists the Z factor for each table. Since each Z factor does not appear to be stored with each Contingency Table, how to I capture this Z factor data to be assocated with each contingency table?