Hi @PieAnteater793,
Most of the responses can be found in the answer from @peng_liu.
You can explore the different report options in the red triangle from your Fit Model windows to display residuals plots, actual by predicted plot, etc...
Note also that depending on the "emphasis" used in "Fit Model", you may have access to some of the plots you would like to see. For example, when the model emphasis is "Effect screening", you can display "Sorted Parameters Estimates" (accessible in the red triangle options of "Estimates"), which offers a synthetic view of statistical significance and effect size :

Concerning your specific plot, you can recreate it with the Graph Builder, as R² and adjusted R² are available in the "Summary of Fit" panel (righ-click on it, and you can directly create a datatable from it), and R² and R² PRESS (or Q²) are available in the "Press" panel (in the red triangle, go to "Row Diagnostics", then "Press") so you can also create a datatable from it.
From then, combine the tables and you'll have a similar plot using Graph Builder :

You can calculate Validity and Reproducibility from MODDE in JMP based on the formula from : https://www.sartorius.com/download/544636/modde-12-user-guide-en-b-00090-sartorius-data.pdf
You may not be able to calculate these metrics if you are not able to conduct this test : Lack of Fit
I hope this complementary answer will help,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)