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Level IV

Mixture design point type (extrem vertices)


Is there a way to know whether a mixture design point is a vertice or a centroid (of degree 1, or 2, or 3, ...) when creating an Extrem Vertices Design?

Ideally, I wish it could be indicated in an additional column in the "Make Design" Table.



Accepted Solutions
Staff (Retired)

Re: Mixture design point type (extrem vertices)

Check out this script to see if it is what you were looking for?



Names Default To Here( 1 );

Ntables = N Table();
tableList = {};
For( i = 1, i <= Ntables, i++,
	tableList[i] = Data Table( i )

desTable = {};
conTable = {};

sameTableAlert = Expr(
		"Choose different data tables for each selection.",
		Text Box( " " ),
		Button( "OK" )

noTableAlert = Expr(
		"A design data table must be open.",
		Text Box( " " ),
		Button( "OK" )

noMixtureFacAlert = Expr(
		"The Design Table has no mixture factors.",
		Text Box( " " ),
		Button( "OK" )

doWork = Expr(
//Assess the Design Table
	numCols = N Col( desTable );
	numRows = N Row( desTable );
	numMixFac = 0;
	XMatrix = [];
	mixLower = [];
	mixUpper = [];
	mixSum = [];
	mixCon = [];
	Current Data Table( desTable );
	For( i = 1, i <= numCols, i++,
		col = Column( i );
		prop = col << get property( "Mixture" );
		If( Is List( prop ),
			tmp = col << get as matrix;
			XMatrix ||= tmp;
			mixLower ||= {prop[1]};
			mixUpper ||= {prop[2]};
			mixSum ||= {prop[3]};
	If( numMixFac == 0,
		satCon = J( numRows, 1, 0 );

		//Set up Simple Constraint Matrix
		numConstraintsOld = 2 * numMixFac + 1;
		conMatrix = J( 1, numMixFac, 1 );
		conMatrix = conMatrix |/ Identity( numMixFac ) |/
		Identity( numMixFac );

		mixSumVal = mixSum[1];
		mixCon = mixCon || {mixSumVal} || mixLower || mixUpper;

		//Get linear inequality constraints if there is a constraint table
		If( conVal == 1,
			numConstraintsNew = numConstraintsOld;
			Current Data Table( conTable );
			numIneqRow = N Row( conTable );
//look for duplicate constraints
			FullConMat = conMatrix || mixCon`;
			For( i = 1, i <= numIneqCon, i++,
				con = Column( i );
				prop = con << get property( "ConstraintState" );
				charprop = Char( Name Expr( prop ) );
				If( numIneqRow != numMixFac + 1,
						"Can only use constraints with pure mixture designs."
				ineqConMat = con << get as matrix;
				overallTest = 0;
				For( j = 1, (j <= numConstraintsOld), j++,  
//find the first nonzero element
					For( k = 1, k <= numMixFac + 1, k++,
						If( FullConMat[j, k] != 0,
							piv = FullConMat[j, k];
							ind = k;
							k = numMixFac + 2;
					test = 0;
					If( ineqConMat[ind] != 0,
						mult = piv / ineqConMat[ind];
						newRow = ineqConMat * mult;
						newRow = newRow` - FullConMat[j, 0];
						For( k = 1, k <= numMixFac + 1, k++,
							If( Abs( newRow[k] ) > 1e-10,
					If( test == 0,
						j = numConstraintsOld + 1;

				If( overallTest == 0,
					tmp = ineqConMat[1 :: numMixFac];
					conMatrix = conMatrix |/ tmp`;
					tmp = ineqConMat[numMixFac + 1 :: numMixFac + 1];
					mixCon = mixCon || tmp;
			numConstraintsNew = numConstraintsOld

		//Check how the rows satisfy the constraints
		resultMat = conMatrix * XMatrix`;
		For( j = 1, j <= numRows, j++,
			For( i = 1, i <= numConstraintsNew, i++,
				If( Abs( resultMat[i, j] - mixCon[i] ) < .00000001,
					satCon[j, 1]

		//label the points
		Current Data Table( desTable );
		pointCol = desTable << New Column( "Point Type", Character, Nominal );
		For( i = 1, i <= numRows, i++,
				(satCon[i] >= numMixFac),
					pointCol[i] = "Vertex";
					Row State( i ) = Color State( 3 );,
				(satCon[i] == numMixFac - 1),
					pointCol[i] = "Edge";
					Row State( i ) = Color State( 4 );,
				(satCon[i] == 1),
					pointCol[i] = "Interior";
					Row State( i ) = Color State( 5 );,
				numFace = numMixFac - satCon[i];
				pointCol[i] = Char( numFace ) || "D-Face";
				Row State( i ) = Color State( numMixFac - satCon[i] + 6 );
		pointCol << label( 1 );
//Create Ternary Plot Script
		xString = "";
		For( i = 1, i <= numCols, i++,
			col = Column( i );
			prop = col << get property( "Mixture" );
			If( Is List( prop ),
				colname = Char( Column Name( i ) );
				xString = xString || Expr( " :" ) || colname || Expr( "," );
		len = Length( xString );
		xString2 = Substr( xString, 1, len - 1 );

		If( numMixFac > 2,
			frameString = "";
			If( numMixFac == 3,
				frameString = frameString || "report(obj)[framebox(" ||
				Char( 1 ) || ")]<<marker size(4);",
				numPlots = (numMixFac * (numMixFac - 1)) / 2;
				For( i = 1, i < numPlots, i++,
					frameString = frameString || "report(obj)[framebox(" ||
					Char( i ) || ")]<<marker size(4);\!N"
				frameString = frameString || "report(obj)[framebox(" ||
				Char( i ) || ")]<<marker size(4);";

			d1 = "obj=Ternary Plot(Y(" || xString2 || "));\!N" || frameString;
			d2 = Eval( Expr( Parse( d1 ) ) );
			d3 = Expr(
				desTable << New Table Property( "Ternary Plot", a )
			Eval( Substitute( Name Expr( d3 ), Expr( a ), Name Expr( d2 ) ) );
		If( NTables > 1,
			dlg << close window

initState = 0;
	(Ntables == 0), noTableAlert,
	(Ntables == 1),
		conVal = 0;
		desTable = tableList[1];
	dlg = New Window( "Identify Mixture Points",
		Border Box( Left( 3 ), bottom( 3 ), Right( 2 ), sides( 28 ), top( 3 ),
			V List Box(
				Panel Box( "Table Settings",
					checkObj = Check Box(
						{"Use Constraint Table"},
						If( initState == 0,
							pbox << append(
								pbox2 =
								Panel Box( "Select Constraint Data Table",
									comboObj3 = Combo Box( tableList )
							pbox << reshow;
							pbox2 << delete;
							pbox << reshow;
						If( initState == 0,
							initState = 1,
							initState = 0
				pbox = Panel Box( "Select Data Tables",
					Panel Box( "Select Design Data Table",
						comboObj1 = Combo Box( tableList )

				Button Box( "OK",
					desTableNum = comboObj1 << get;
					desTable = Data Table( Eval( desTableNum ) );
					conVal = checkObj << get( 1 );
					If( (conVal == 1) & (Ntables == 1),
							"Both a design and constraint table must be open."
					If( conVal == 1,
						conTableNum = comboObj3 << get;
						conTable = Data Table( Eval( conTableNum ) );
					If( (conVal == 1) & (desTableNum == conTableNum),
						If( conVal == 1,
							Current Data Table( conTable );
							numIneqCon = N Col( conTable );
							For( i = 1, i <= numIneqCon, i++,
								con = Column( i );
								prop = con <<
								get property( "ConstraintState" );
								charprop = Char( Name Expr( prop ) );
									(charprop != "ConstraintState(less than)")
									 & (charprop !=
									"ConstraintState(greater than)"),
									Throw( "Need to use a constraint table." )



View solution in original post

Staff (Retired)

Re: Mixture design point type (extrem vertices)

Check out this script to see if it is what you were looking for?



Names Default To Here( 1 );

Ntables = N Table();
tableList = {};
For( i = 1, i <= Ntables, i++,
	tableList[i] = Data Table( i )

desTable = {};
conTable = {};

sameTableAlert = Expr(
		"Choose different data tables for each selection.",
		Text Box( " " ),
		Button( "OK" )

noTableAlert = Expr(
		"A design data table must be open.",
		Text Box( " " ),
		Button( "OK" )

noMixtureFacAlert = Expr(
		"The Design Table has no mixture factors.",
		Text Box( " " ),
		Button( "OK" )

doWork = Expr(
//Assess the Design Table
	numCols = N Col( desTable );
	numRows = N Row( desTable );
	numMixFac = 0;
	XMatrix = [];
	mixLower = [];
	mixUpper = [];
	mixSum = [];
	mixCon = [];
	Current Data Table( desTable );
	For( i = 1, i <= numCols, i++,
		col = Column( i );
		prop = col << get property( "Mixture" );
		If( Is List( prop ),
			tmp = col << get as matrix;
			XMatrix ||= tmp;
			mixLower ||= {prop[1]};
			mixUpper ||= {prop[2]};
			mixSum ||= {prop[3]};
	If( numMixFac == 0,
		satCon = J( numRows, 1, 0 );

		//Set up Simple Constraint Matrix
		numConstraintsOld = 2 * numMixFac + 1;
		conMatrix = J( 1, numMixFac, 1 );
		conMatrix = conMatrix |/ Identity( numMixFac ) |/
		Identity( numMixFac );

		mixSumVal = mixSum[1];
		mixCon = mixCon || {mixSumVal} || mixLower || mixUpper;

		//Get linear inequality constraints if there is a constraint table
		If( conVal == 1,
			numConstraintsNew = numConstraintsOld;
			Current Data Table( conTable );
			numIneqRow = N Row( conTable );
//look for duplicate constraints
			FullConMat = conMatrix || mixCon`;
			For( i = 1, i <= numIneqCon, i++,
				con = Column( i );
				prop = con << get property( "ConstraintState" );
				charprop = Char( Name Expr( prop ) );
				If( numIneqRow != numMixFac + 1,
						"Can only use constraints with pure mixture designs."
				ineqConMat = con << get as matrix;
				overallTest = 0;
				For( j = 1, (j <= numConstraintsOld), j++,  
//find the first nonzero element
					For( k = 1, k <= numMixFac + 1, k++,
						If( FullConMat[j, k] != 0,
							piv = FullConMat[j, k];
							ind = k;
							k = numMixFac + 2;
					test = 0;
					If( ineqConMat[ind] != 0,
						mult = piv / ineqConMat[ind];
						newRow = ineqConMat * mult;
						newRow = newRow` - FullConMat[j, 0];
						For( k = 1, k <= numMixFac + 1, k++,
							If( Abs( newRow[k] ) > 1e-10,
					If( test == 0,
						j = numConstraintsOld + 1;

				If( overallTest == 0,
					tmp = ineqConMat[1 :: numMixFac];
					conMatrix = conMatrix |/ tmp`;
					tmp = ineqConMat[numMixFac + 1 :: numMixFac + 1];
					mixCon = mixCon || tmp;
			numConstraintsNew = numConstraintsOld

		//Check how the rows satisfy the constraints
		resultMat = conMatrix * XMatrix`;
		For( j = 1, j <= numRows, j++,
			For( i = 1, i <= numConstraintsNew, i++,
				If( Abs( resultMat[i, j] - mixCon[i] ) < .00000001,
					satCon[j, 1]

		//label the points
		Current Data Table( desTable );
		pointCol = desTable << New Column( "Point Type", Character, Nominal );
		For( i = 1, i <= numRows, i++,
				(satCon[i] >= numMixFac),
					pointCol[i] = "Vertex";
					Row State( i ) = Color State( 3 );,
				(satCon[i] == numMixFac - 1),
					pointCol[i] = "Edge";
					Row State( i ) = Color State( 4 );,
				(satCon[i] == 1),
					pointCol[i] = "Interior";
					Row State( i ) = Color State( 5 );,
				numFace = numMixFac - satCon[i];
				pointCol[i] = Char( numFace ) || "D-Face";
				Row State( i ) = Color State( numMixFac - satCon[i] + 6 );
		pointCol << label( 1 );
//Create Ternary Plot Script
		xString = "";
		For( i = 1, i <= numCols, i++,
			col = Column( i );
			prop = col << get property( "Mixture" );
			If( Is List( prop ),
				colname = Char( Column Name( i ) );
				xString = xString || Expr( " :" ) || colname || Expr( "," );
		len = Length( xString );
		xString2 = Substr( xString, 1, len - 1 );

		If( numMixFac > 2,
			frameString = "";
			If( numMixFac == 3,
				frameString = frameString || "report(obj)[framebox(" ||
				Char( 1 ) || ")]<<marker size(4);",
				numPlots = (numMixFac * (numMixFac - 1)) / 2;
				For( i = 1, i < numPlots, i++,
					frameString = frameString || "report(obj)[framebox(" ||
					Char( i ) || ")]<<marker size(4);\!N"
				frameString = frameString || "report(obj)[framebox(" ||
				Char( i ) || ")]<<marker size(4);";

			d1 = "obj=Ternary Plot(Y(" || xString2 || "));\!N" || frameString;
			d2 = Eval( Expr( Parse( d1 ) ) );
			d3 = Expr(
				desTable << New Table Property( "Ternary Plot", a )
			Eval( Substitute( Name Expr( d3 ), Expr( a ), Name Expr( d2 ) ) );
		If( NTables > 1,
			dlg << close window

initState = 0;
	(Ntables == 0), noTableAlert,
	(Ntables == 1),
		conVal = 0;
		desTable = tableList[1];
	dlg = New Window( "Identify Mixture Points",
		Border Box( Left( 3 ), bottom( 3 ), Right( 2 ), sides( 28 ), top( 3 ),
			V List Box(
				Panel Box( "Table Settings",
					checkObj = Check Box(
						{"Use Constraint Table"},
						If( initState == 0,
							pbox << append(
								pbox2 =
								Panel Box( "Select Constraint Data Table",
									comboObj3 = Combo Box( tableList )
							pbox << reshow;
							pbox2 << delete;
							pbox << reshow;
						If( initState == 0,
							initState = 1,
							initState = 0
				pbox = Panel Box( "Select Data Tables",
					Panel Box( "Select Design Data Table",
						comboObj1 = Combo Box( tableList )

				Button Box( "OK",
					desTableNum = comboObj1 << get;
					desTable = Data Table( Eval( desTableNum ) );
					conVal = checkObj << get( 1 );
					If( (conVal == 1) & (Ntables == 1),
							"Both a design and constraint table must be open."
					If( conVal == 1,
						conTableNum = comboObj3 << get;
						conTable = Data Table( Eval( conTableNum ) );
					If( (conVal == 1) & (desTableNum == conTableNum),
						If( conVal == 1,
							Current Data Table( conTable );
							numIneqCon = N Col( conTable );
							For( i = 1, i <= numIneqCon, i++,
								con = Column( i );
								prop = con <<
								get property( "ConstraintState" );
								charprop = Char( Name Expr( prop ) );
									(charprop != "ConstraintState(less than)")
									 & (charprop !=
									"ConstraintState(greater than)"),
									Throw( "Need to use a constraint table." )



Level IV

Re: Mixture design point type (extrem vertices)

Wow ! Exactly what I was looking for, thanks a lot !

It works perfectly, that's a great script. 

Thanks again

Staff (Retired)

Re: Mixture design point type (extrem vertices)

No problem. I can't take credit for writing the script but recall it being shared with me quite a few years ago. I believe it was embedded in the JMP course notes on Mixture Designs and could have been Mark Bailey.