I understand, I had something in my mind and I probably need to rewrite the components values.
I'm sure it is possible, I just need to check my factors again.
I have simplify it and then it was possible. See picture down here.
Due to the ratio there is not really a plane, but more like a line were the optimal can be reached.
That line is in an area of 0 by 0.5.
C1 liquid and C2 liquid are reacting with a ratio of 100:75. In this example in a range of 0 bij 0.5.
(0 is not really what I want, because it needs to react, but I wanted to see if it was possible.)
The optimal will be checked with every Filler ingredients. So GGREY006A... etc.
So how I see it, JMP can check a line area.

And yes I noticed my ratio fault here.
It's now C1 liquid : C2 liquid
75 : 100
And I wanted C1 liquid: C2 liquid
100 : 75
I need to swap the 4 and the 3 around.
I'm going to play a little bit more with JMP.