Hi @ChrisLooi,
One preliminary remark : even if your responses may be individually measured, they are not rigourously independent, as a strong correlation can be seen between the two responses :
Then, I just had a quick look at the datatable provided and noticed that you have a lot of missing value for response B.
Should some rows be identicals, or do you have a different granularity/detail level in your data between response A and B ?
I think the missing values in B may cause the problem you encounter.
Here is the profiler with the two responses "as it is" (same as the one you showed previously) :
However, when doing automated data imputation technique on column "response B" to avoid missing values (and using this imputed response B as the second response), the profiler show better behaviour for response A and B (and profiler of response A is now identical to the profiler when the response A is the only response modelized) :
You can also have Profilers with the same behavior by hiding and excluding rows with missing values for B, to only keep for the modeling the rows having complete informations for both responses A & B :
So there may be a correction to do on your datatable, to fill up the missing values, impute them or exclude rows with incomplete information between responses A and B. The difference of granularity in your data (and resulting missing values) might be responsible for the change you see in profilers, as you imply the same model for both responses, but the limited amount of information in column B does disturb the variance model (as it needs more observation for each terms in the model than the mean model : Loglinear Variance Models)
You can also fit the two responses independantly (launch the platform for one response only) with a different model (probably a smaller model for response B since you have less observations available for the variance model).
Attached is the datatable and scripts used,
Scientific Expertise Engineer
L'Oréal - Data & Analytics