I have essentially the same question as Dale. I would like to make a plot that:
a) Shows the estimated logistic curve
b) Shows the data in a way that imparts information regarding the value of the categorical response variable.
I mostly use logistic regression for binary reponse data. Here's an example using the classic Titanic survival data. The response variable is "Status", taking on the values survived or died. Using graph builder, I can make the plot that I believe Dale refered to in his last post, but without the logistic regression curve:

This has jitter, which is vital, but it is jitter that is constrained in a way that it is clear which data points belong to "survived" and which to "died".
Here is the plot I get when I run the logistic regression model:

Now the vertical location of each point appears to be completely random, and thus it imparts no information. Am I missing something regarding what the vertical local means? I understand the value of jitter, but this looks like it's so much jitter that one can no longer discern which data points belong to which category of the response.
Is there a way (via the GUI) to combine these kinds of plots, so that we have the plot Graph Builder creates, with the logistic curve superimposed?