Graphlets are very cool!
The local data filter is great. It automatically adjusts the data of the graphlet to match the subgroup of the main graph.
Are there JSL functions to adjust this filter?
I already found the
Skip Filters()
in Nascif's post Hover graphlet from another data table
It removes parts unused parts of the filter such that the filter can also work for other tables without warning messages.
Is there a documentation how it works in detail?
Is there also a JSL function to add or intersect filters?
Application case:
If I generated a graph with a filter ( Bif Class plot restricted to age= 14)
Graph Builder(
Variables( X( :height ), Y( :weight ), Overlay( :age ) ),
Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 26 ) ) ),
Local Data Filter(
Add Filter( columns( :age ), Where( :age == 14 ), Display( :age, N Items( 6 ) ) )
and use it as a hover label (via "save Script" - "Hover Label"/"Paste Graphlet") ...
the local data filter is still there in the JSL script:
Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
Graph Builder(
Variables( X( :sex ) ),
Elements( Bar( X, Legend( 3 ) ) ),
"Graph Builder",
{Set Graphlet(
Graph Builder(
Size( 422, 474 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Variables( X( :height ), Y( :weight ), Overlay( :age ) ),
Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 26 ) ) ),
Local Data Filter( Add Filter( columns( :age ), Where( :age == 14 ) ) )
but it's function is automatically replaced by the local data filter from the Hover Label Extension Framework (all ages visible):
So, it would be great to have a "merge" function to combine the manual local data filter with the one from the Hover Label Extension Framework.