Jeff's answer is a great answer. Here is my version, which uses the JSL created using similar steps that Jeff used, to create the new table
names default to here(1);
dtData = New Table( "The Data",
Add Rows( 5 ),
New Column( "Patient ID",
Set Values(
{"Patient A", "Patient A", "Patient B", "Patient B", "Patient B"}
New Column( "Diagnosis",
Character( 16 ),
Set Values( {"Diabetes", "HTN", "Asthma", "HTN", "Sepsis"} )
dtDemo = New Table( "The Demographics",
Add Rows( 2 ),
New Column( "Patient ID",
Set Values( {"Patient A", "Patient B"} )
New Column( "Age", Character( 16 ), "Nominal", Set Values( {"13", "15"} ) ),
New Column( "Sex", Character( 16 ), "Nominal", Set Values( {"M", "F"} ) )
// Create a list with just the Patient IDs
summarize( dtData, theIDs = by( :Patient ID));
// Move it into a data table
dtIDs = New Table("theIDs", invisible, new column("Patient ID", character, values(theIDs)));
// Create a list with just the Diagnoses
summarize( dtData, theDiags = by( :Diagnosis));
// Move it into a data table
dtDiags = New Table("theDiags", invisible, new column("Diagnosis", character, values(theDiags)));
// Create a table with all possible combinations of patients and diagnoses
dtCart = dtIDs << Join( With( dtDiags ), Cartesian Join );
// Cleanup
close( dtIDs, nosave );
close( dtDiags, nosave);
// Add a null diagnosis column
dtCart << New Column("foundDiag", set each value(0));
dtData << New Column("foundDiag", set each value(1));
// Put the tables together
dtCart << Update(
With( dtData),
Match Columns( :Patient ID = :Patient ID, :Diagnosis = :Diagnosis )
// Split the data into the final form
dtSplit = dtCart << Split(
Split By( :Diagnosis ),
Split( :foundDiag ),
Group( :Patient ID ),
Sort by Column Property
// Make a copy of the demographics data table
dtFinal = dtDemo << subset( selected columns(0), selected rows(0));
// put the demographics file together with the split data table
dtFinal << Update(
With( dtSplit ),
Match Columns( :Patient ID = :Patient ID )
// Cleanup
close( dtSplit, nosave );
close( dtCart, nosave );