I am trying write a script that saves a report by groups into tabs. As an example let's consider a bivariate analysis of height vs weight in the Big Class example data set. I would like to carry out that analysis by column sex and output the analysis for :sex == "F" in one tab and :sex == "M" in another. Now this should of course work with any number of value levels in the groupby column. The only thing I can think of doing is to subset the datatable but then I end up with a bunch of data tables that I cannot close without loosing my report. Any suggestions on how to do this without subsetting?
Here is one way of doing it
names default to here(1);
dt=open("$SAMPLE_DATA/big class.jmp");
// Generate the output in an invisible space
biv = dt << Bivariate( invisible, Y( :height ), X( :weight ), By( :sex ) );
// Create the window, with the first tab
nw=New Window("Tabs", text box("here are the tabs"), tb = Tab Box((report(biv[1])[outlinebox(1)])<<get title ,report(biv[1])));
// Generate the remaining tabs
For( i = 2, i <= N Items( biv ), i++,
tb << Insert( i, (report(biv[i])[outlinebox(1)])<<get title, Report( biv[i] ) )
// Close the invisible output
biv<<close window;
When you create a By() group, JMP is creating a set of subset tables for you automatically. You can also do this on a level-by-level basis by using Where() clauses instead.
Here is a script that creates tabs per level, and as a bonus they are moveable and dockable, so they behave like a JMP Dashboard and can be rearranged in a variety of ways.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
//get the unique levels
Summarize( dt, unique_values = by( :sex ) );
// Create the window with an empty tab list
nw = New Window( "Tabs", tb = Tab Box( <<Dockable( 1 ) ) );
// Generate tabs, one per level
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( unique_values ), i++,
tb << Append(
Tab Page Box(
Title( ":sex = " || unique_values[i] ),
dt << Bivariate( invisible, Y( :height ), X( :weight ), Where( :sex == unique_values[i] ) ),
<<Moveable( 1 ),
<<Closeable( 1 )
Here is one way of doing it
names default to here(1);
dt=open("$SAMPLE_DATA/big class.jmp");
// Generate the output in an invisible space
biv = dt << Bivariate( invisible, Y( :height ), X( :weight ), By( :sex ) );
// Create the window, with the first tab
nw=New Window("Tabs", text box("here are the tabs"), tb = Tab Box((report(biv[1])[outlinebox(1)])<<get title ,report(biv[1])));
// Generate the remaining tabs
For( i = 2, i <= N Items( biv ), i++,
tb << Insert( i, (report(biv[i])[outlinebox(1)])<<get title, Report( biv[i] ) )
// Close the invisible output
biv<<close window;
I was successfully able to create a report with tabs with some of the code provided by TxNelson (Thank you Tx !)
Unfortunately when I save the report as an HTML file the tabs are not saved (nor are spacer boxes)
In the case below, I am not getting anything in the html file... Any suggestions are appreciated
nw = New Window( "Example",
tb = Tab Box(
Tab Page Box( "First Tab", Tip( "First Tab Tooltip" ), Button Box( "Press One" ) ),
Tab Page Box( "Second Tab", Closeable( 1 ), Button Box( "Press Two" ) ),
Tab Page Box( "Third Tab", Icon( "Nominal" ), Button Box( "Press Three" ) )
Wait( 1 );
tb << Add( "Fourth Tab", Button Box( "Press Four" ) );
nw << Journal;
Current Journal() << Save HTML( "C:\_Jens\Test Report.html" );
Web( "C:\_Jens\Test Report.html" );
From my experience, you will only get the tabs if you save window as an Interactive HTML. In turn that requires the display not be saved from a journal, since journals do not have the Save Interactive HTML capability
After running the script, i can not find analysis output in Tab2. Can you let me know why? Thanks.
Jim, Thank you for your script. I used your jsl as is, I am able to create the tabs , but my 2nd tab is blank. Do you have any idea why this might be happening? Any help will be appreciated
I suspect you are running JMP 13 or earlier. The code only works for JMP 14 or above.
When you create a By() group, JMP is creating a set of subset tables for you automatically. You can also do this on a level-by-level basis by using Where() clauses instead.
Here is a script that creates tabs per level, and as a bonus they are moveable and dockable, so they behave like a JMP Dashboard and can be rearranged in a variety of ways.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
//get the unique levels
Summarize( dt, unique_values = by( :sex ) );
// Create the window with an empty tab list
nw = New Window( "Tabs", tb = Tab Box( <<Dockable( 1 ) ) );
// Generate tabs, one per level
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( unique_values ), i++,
tb << Append(
Tab Page Box(
Title( ":sex = " || unique_values[i] ),
dt << Bivariate( invisible, Y( :height ), X( :weight ), Where( :sex == unique_values[i] ) ),
<<Moveable( 1 ),
<<Closeable( 1 )
Thanks, both of you! Both solutions worked like a charm.