Thanks for your follow up Jarmo,
I've been playing around with this off and on, to clarify in the small chance that someone else has this issue, while opening the new window as a journal window does indeed initially work as expected, actually saving then re-opening the journal strips it of any Mouse Box instance again. I have found that opening a previously saved Journal from JMP 16 with a working Mouse Box, then saving with JMP 17 strips the Mouse Box as well. This seems to be a change to how Journals are handled in JMP 17.
I slightly modified my demo script to contain an image
names default to here (1);
NewWin = New Window ("mouse box test",
mb = MouseBox(
tb = pb = Picture Box( Open( "$SAMPLE_IMAGES/tile.jpg", jpg ) ),
<<set Click Enable (1),
<<Set Click(
Function( {this, clickpt, event}, /*Is Alt Key(),Is Control Key(),Is Shift Key() should be captured on "Pressed" */
//{DEFAULT LOCAL}, //this would set the namespace to local, which broke some functions
If( event == "Released" | event == "Canceled",
this << setCursor( "Hand" ) /* switch back to hand immediately */
this << setCursor( "Finger" ) /* change cursor during drawing */
If( event == "Pressed",
(this << child) << Set Image( Open( "$SAMPLE_IMAGES/windmap.png", jpg ) );
NewWin << journal;