I would like to customize the control chart output like the screen below in my JSL script:
The settings in the prefrences and my script were not successful.
my biggest problem is, i can hide histogram and normal quantile plot and unhide the summary statistics only manualy-
Currently I'm working with the version 10.0.2
repWin = New Window( tableName, container = V List Box() );
For( k = 1, k <= N Items( dataColName ), k++,
content = V List Box(
dt_data_sub << Control Chart(
Group Size( 1 ),
KSigma( 3 ),
Chart Col(
Individual Measurement( Test 1( 1 ), Test 2( 1 ), Test 3( 1 ) ),
Moving Range,
Continuous Distribution(
Column( dataColName ),
Quantiles( 0 ),
Summary Statistics( 1 ),
Horizontal Layout( 1 ),
Histogram( 0 ),
Vertical( 0 ),
Outlier Box Plot( 0 ),
Normal Quantile Plot( 0 ),
PpK Capability Labeling( 1 ),
Capability Analysis()
{"Individual Measurement of Assay"},
"IR Chart of IM",
FrameBox( 2 ),
{Frame Size( 75, 162 )}
{"Moving Range of Assay"},
"IR Chart of MR",
FrameBox( 2 ),
{Frame Size( 75, 162 )}
Dispatch( {"Capability Analysis"}, "Long Term Sigma", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} ),
Dispatch( {"Capability Analysis"}, "Control Chart Sigma", )
container << Append( content );