This looks like a bug. Please contact JMP Technical Support at
Meanwhile, a workaround is to use JSL to adjust the axis, if it is acceptable in your workflow.
Look at the following codes. Towards the end, is one way to adjust the axis, by hard coding the range of the axis. There are at least two other ways but gradually getting complicated. If this approach does not work for your workflow, please explain. And we will see what might work.
Y( :result ),
Time( :Name("Timepoint (M)") ),
Label( :Batch ),
Application( Stability Test ),
Connect Data Markers( 1 ),
Show Fitted Lines( 1 ),
Show Spec Limits( 1 ),
Show Median Curves( 0 ),
Show Legend( 1 ),
No Tab List( 0 ),
Set Upper Spec Limit( 5.5 ),
Set Lower Spec Limit( 4.5 ),
Set Censoring Time( . ),
Show Residual Plot( 0 ),
Show Inverse Prediction Plot( 0 ),
Show Curve Interval( 1 ),
Inverse Prediction Interval( Confidence Interval ),
Inverse Prediction Alpha( 0.025 ),
Inverse Prediction Side( Lower One Sided ),
Dispatch( {}, "Reports", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} ),
{Min( 4 ), Max( 6 ), Inc( 0.2 ), Minor Ticks( 1 )}