I have 288 bins with 4 distributions each (1,152 total) and I'm trying to find the best continuous fit for each distribution. I've tried to press Continuous Fit > Fit All while holding down the Command button (I'm on Mac) so it runs it for all distributions, but this always crashes JMP because that's a ton of calculations. When JMP freezes, I've even let my computer sit for several hours for these calculations to run in the background but no luck.
I know that my distributions will likely mostly be Normal, Normal 2 Mixture, Normal 3 Mixture, and SHASH. I've tried to do one type of fit at a time for all my distributions, but it crashes when I do SHASH. Can anyone help me with a way to do this? Maybe write me some JSL code please? Also, bonus points if anyone can help me export the distribution parameters for all of the best fits into a table.
Note: I'm using JMP Pro 16.