Thanks to Jeff, I could download the file.
The only method, I know of to get teh bars to be adjacent is if they come from one group. So to achieve 2 axes and error bars, the table needed to be restructured. The steps were:
- Stack all the weight and efficieny columns PW, FW, PE which return Label and Data
- Create a new column named Type which is the concatenation of the first two characters of Label (i.e. FW, PW, PE) and ", " and sex
- Create a new table called Data Name, If( substr(:Label,2,1)=="W", "Weight", "Efficiency")
- Now split the table, splitting columns Type and Data by Data Name This will allow the 2 axes. Group by Day, Sex, Label
- This is almost ready to go, I changed the column Data Weight to Weight and Data Efficiency to Efficiency.
- The split table has Type Weight and Type Efficiency only one is filled out so I made a new column Type that is the concatenation of Type Weight and Type Efficiency.
- One last step, column Type needs value ordering. The values of Type are FW, x PE,x PW,x where X is either F or M. Since there will be no weight data for PE (the cells are empty), change teh value ordering to FW's, PW's then PE's to eliminate a gap for PE.
- GraphBuilder is ready to go, but there was some customization to get the colors and patterns and legend.
The restructured table is attached teh graphbuilder script is attached to the table. Click on table script to run it.
Oh note teh error bars (the original question) are created by the Min and Max ( range) if the values. By having FW FW-se and FW +se in the same column the mean is the same and the range can be drawn as an error bar.
This wouls have been much easier to do with the raw data (individual measurements).
![image.png image.png](