Hello all. I am fairly new to SAS JMP and I am trying to make a sensitivity analysis by fitting a model to my data and use the prediction profiler. I am using SAS JMP 13. In the beginning I had some problems with importing the data from MS Excel, and fitting the model, but then I figured out the data type and modeling type should be changed in the column properties. I have selected Numeric and continuous respectively for the two types (Maybe this is where the problem lies, I am not sure). When I fit the model, the model creates a section called Singularity Details, which I was not expecting to be there. Finally, the model lines in the Prediction Profiler are invisible as can be seen from this picture (I was only able to upload 1 file, so I uploaded the dataset to the community website):
I just wanted to get some expert opinion on the subject so I can understand what I am doing on a more fundamental level. I am including my dataset for your information. Please let me know if any other detail is required for a solution. Thank you very much for your help in advance. Have a great day!