Hi everyone,
I am just learning how to use the application. The only time I have ever created a user interface, it was with Lab View.
Anyhow, I would like to have input boxes. I need a box where someone can enter the path to find the file and select which voltage to find corresponding currents at. I have made buttons so far to do this, but it is one button for each input, and I think that once the button is pushed, the input is lost (could be wrong). Once I have these inputs, then I can create plots, etc.
Could someone please advise me or give me a hint about how I can do this in JMP?
Here is my script so far in the builder:
// This function is called when the button is pressed
path = Pick Directory("Select CP1 Directory.");
name = this << Get Button Name;
// This function is called when the button is pressed
path = Pick Directory("Select CP2 Directory.");
name = this << Get Button Name;
New Window( "New Window",
// Get user input,
V List Box(
Spacer Box(size(10,10)),
Text Box ("Enter voltage:"),
Spacer Box(size(10,10)),
voltage = H List Box(Number Edit Box()),
Spacer Box(size(10,10)),
H List Box(
b=Button Box( "OK",<<Close Window
// Proceed with option 1
Button Box( "Cancel", Throw( "Script cancelled by user." ) )
Caption({1,1}, char(displayvoltage));