Dear dlehman1 (Level V),
you say:
- While the Shewhart control chart does not assume a normal distribution -
- the control limits are calculated from the data
If you read the Shewhart books you will find the truth: from Shewhart book (1931), on page 294 , you will find

which is based on the Nromal Disti.rbution
The Control Limits MUST be calculated from the data.
You say also (VERY IMPORTANT)
- The T chart apparently uses a Weibull distribution to establish control limits.
It was exactly what I hoped for when I suggested the T Charts (that my JMP Student Edition does not show, unfortunately).
The Exponential distribution is a WEIBULL distribution with shape parameter =1.
So, please, try "Rare Events" with "T Chart" "Weibull" ... and see ...
Thank you