Here are some of my thoughts regarding your situation, realizing you haven't provided enough detail to be a sure. I don't know what a "test" is? Your study is crossed, nested. Meaning test and Variable are crossed and measurements are nested within those. Since you have multiple measures for each test, your measurement precision repeatability is confounded with within test variation. First you would want to determine if your measurement repeatability is consistent. This can be accomplished using range charts. Also , using the range chart can give you an idea about measurement system discrimination (also known as effective resolution). The guidance is to have at least 5 measurement units inside the upper control limit of the range chart. Your example is near the limit of acceptability.

If the precision repeatability is consistent and has sufficient discrimination, you can them average those values to reduce the error.
If you prefer a quantitative approach, you can get variance components for your study (Analyze>Quality and Process>Variability/Attribute Gauge Chart). Put the Y in the Y, Response box and the layers of your sampling tree starting with Variable/Test/Measurement. Select crossed then nested in the Model Type.

Using the red triangle nest to Variability Gauge, select Variance Components.

MSA and MSE are acronyms for Measurement System Analysis or Evaluation (See also EMP). These acronyms are typically associated with the work of Wheeler and are a recommended alternative to the traditional gauge R&R study. See here:
"All models are wrong, some are useful" G.E.P. Box