I'm importing values from cvs files. One of them is a string. However, JMP is unable to read the value. The first image is the cvs file where all values are imported except "FlexSEM1000." So no issues there. However, second image shows the JMP table with the F????? value. How do I tackle this issue? Relevant code attached.
Join_files = Expr(
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( path ), i+=2,
/*area, %area, and pore pixel count*/
jointable1 = Open( path[i] );
//jointable1 << Get Name;
samplename = Substr( jointable1 << Get Name, 1, 18 ); //sample replicate name //
samplename2 = Word(1,samplename, "_"); // Only sample name, no replicate suffix (i.e. a1, a2...)
jointable1 << New Column( "Sample",
Set Each Value( samplename ) // setting each row in column 1 to samp rep name //
/*diameter and pore pixel count*/
jointable2 = Open( path[i + 1] );
dt = Data Table( jointable1 ) << Join(
With( Data Table( jointable2 ) ),
Select( :Sample, :Area, :Name( "%Area" ),:scale, :thick, :pixelrad, :mag, :system),
SelectWith( :pixD1, :count1),
Cartesian Join
Close( jointable1, no save );
Close( jointable2, no save );
dt << Set Name(samplename);
po = dt << get name;
dt << Save(SD1 || po);
Columns = Eval Expr(
//dt << New Column( "Condition", Character, Nominal, Set Each Value( "1:1" ) );
dt:Name( "%Area" ) << Set Name( "Image A pore area (%)", Numeric, Continuous );
dt:Area << Set Name( "Total Image pixel count (pore_part)", Numeric, Continuous );
dt:scale << Set Name("pix/mm scale", Numeric, Continuous);
dt:pixD1 << Set Name( "Pore Diameter (pixel)", Numeric, Continuous );
dt:count1 << Set Name( "Pore Pixel Count", Numeric, Continuous );
dt:thick << Set Name("d - thickness (m)", Numeric, Continuous);
dt:pixelrad << Set Name("LT Radius", Numeric, Continuous);
dt:mag << Set Name("Mag", Numeric, Continuous);
dt:system << Set Name("Image Mode", Character, Nominal);
dt:Sample << Set Display Width( 150 );
