Hi community, I am having trouble modeling some data that I got from a DSD. This was a screen of 10 factors. We ran this with 3 blocks (operators) and I included the maximum number of extra runs (8). This gave me a table of 31 runs. We did some initial range-finding experiments to set reasonable bounds for all of the factors. Unfortunately we still got 4 runs where the reaction completely failed, so I have no value to put in as a response.
My first question is how these failed runs should be treated? Ideally I suppose they should be excluded, and I would still have 27 runs that did provide data. But if I exclude them from the table and try to run the Fit Definitive Screening script, nothing happens. There is no error message but the window just doesn't open. My response is "Time to Completion", with the objective of minimizing this response, and I could just put in a large number representing a time longer than the experiment duration but this seems arbitrary. The script will run though.
My second question is whether I can include replicate runs to have more confidence in the model? We ran 8 replicates of each run condition. However, if I copy and paste a run and try to run the script, again nothing happens. Right now I am just taking the average of the 8 runs and using that, but I'm wondering if it would be better to somehow include the individual values and if so, is there a way to do it with the Fit Definitive Screening script?
I can use the standard Fit Model module to solve both of these problems but it seems like I'd be missing the benefit of the DSD. Thanks for any responses! I'm on JMP 15.2. If posting the table would be helpful I'm happy to do it.