Using JMP 13, how can the axis be set to auto scale using scripting commands.
A snippet of the script code showing a simple variable in place for the min and max.
{Min( Axis_min ), Max( Axis_max ), Inc( 1 ), Minor Ticks( 1 ),
Add Ref Line( 5, "Dotted", "Medium Dark Red", "5", 4 )}
Goal: Allow something else (user, script, other) to set the Axis (min and max) specifically or allow the user to pick "Auto".
Searching the guides and reference documents show that it can be set to a numeric value, but do not document any automatic scaling feature. I hoped that passing "Auto" or a period, or other symbol would work, but they do not.
Also, leaving out the min and max setting line all together to achieve the automatic scaling is not possible as it breaks the goal of allowing something to set the value.
Thanks for the help in advance.