Thanks! It seems an excellent solution, but it only processes 23 out of 75
values. The script runs fully and successfully with no debugging errors,
yet fails to process numeric columns that can be processed manually.
Any idea why?
Here's the script as running:
Names Default To Here( 1 );
// Open and example data table
dt = Open( "" );
// Get the columns to be analyzed
colNamesList = dt << get column names( string, continuous );
// Create a data table to save the results to
dtOutput = New Table( "AUCResults", New Column( "Column", character ), New Column( "AUC" ) );
// Loop across all of the columns to be analyzed and retrieve the AUC
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( colNamesList ), i++,
// Add a new row to the output data table
dtOutput << Add Rows( 1 );
// Add the active variable name to the current row in the data table
dtOutput:Column[i] = colNamesList[i];
// Run the Logistic Regression
theLog = dt << Logistic( invisible, Y( :isDef ), X( Column( colNamesList[i] ) ), Positive Level( "0" ), ROC Curve );
// Add the AUC to the data table by grabbing it from the display report output
dtOutput:AUC = (Report( theLog )["Receiver Operating Characteristic"][Number Col Box( 1 )] << get)[1];
// Close the report window
Report( theLog ) << close window;
Many thanks for the assistance!