I have two scripts, main.jsl and dosomething.jsl that are next to each other in the same folder.
Main script has this in it:
relativePath = "./";
absolutePath = "c:\Users\myUser\Scripts\";
dosomething = Expr(
Include( relativePath || "dosomething.jsl" )
This dosomething does something all over the script, it's very handy to edit dosomething.jsl WHILE still running the main script.
So, when I do that using relativePath as written above - JMP crushes. But works fine when using absolutePath.
Now, I don't want to use absolute path. How can I use relative path in Include statement?
For instance, this works fine for Logo.png that lies next to these two scripts:
Picture Box( Open( "./Logo.png", png ) )
If relative paths not working with Include, is there any way to access the absolute path for the currently running script?