Hi all,
I am trying to import an Excel worksheet in JSL, but I meet a problem with some columns which are detected by JMP as numeric whereas they should be character. So I end with empty columns and I can't find a way of telling JMP these columns should be read as character, either in JSL or in Excel import wizard.
Here is my JSL script :
jsl_dt_orig = open(jsl_fic_planning,
Worksheets( "Planning" ),
Use for all sheets( 0 ),
Concatenate Worksheets( 0 ),
Create Concatenation Column( 0 ),
Worksheet Settings(
Has Column Headers( 1 ),
Number of Rows in Headers( 1 ),
Headers Start on Row( 4 ),
Data Starts on Row( 5 ),
Data Starts on Column( 1 ),
Data Ends on Row( 0 ),
Data Ends on Column( 63 ),
Replicated Spanned Rows( 1 ),
Suppress Hidden Rows( 0 ),
Suppress Hidden Columns( 0 ),
Suppress Empty Columns( 0 ),
Treat as Hierarchy( 0 )//,
//Limit Column Type Detection (0)
I tried "Limit Column Type Detection(0)" after seeing it on this discussion, even though I can't find this option in the Excel import wizard, but it doesn't work (maybe it exists only for Mac? I have JMP 12.2 on Windows.).
What is even stranger is that when I use Excel import wizard, data type seems ok until I tell data start on row 5 (see column "Etat" for instance). But eventually when I import, data is always missing.
Data I would like to import as text
What I get when I tell data start on row 5
So if anyone could help me with formatting my columns at this step, I would be very thankful!