I'd like to get some help on finding a specific string (actually 2 strings, say "JMP1" and "JMP2") that may be within a column with text, as we move down that column, and then have a formula column next to it to label "JMP1" or "JMP2", if it finds it, or label say "NA" otherwise.
A couple of notes:
1- "JMP1" or "JMP2" can be in any position within the text in Column 1
2- "JMP1" and "JMP2" are not contained in the same text in Column 1
So in my mind it will be something like this for the Formula Column (Column 2 - the label column):
IF (Column 1 contains "JMP1", then Column 2 = "JMP1", else (IF Column 1 contains "JMP2", then Column 2 = "JMP2", else Column 2 = "NA"));
I looked up to the Match function, but I got a bit confused with the multiple arguments and expressions. Maybe I'm not on the right track either, hence why I need advice
It will be great if someone could share their thoughts (preferably through the Formulas area, but will be open to suggestions through JSL).