Thank you very much Kevin!
Yes for this Repeated Measures Analysis (Mixed Model) is fine.
Could you please tell me how you perform turkey test here in JMP and got this graph?
This is how I perform the analysis:
Analyze > Fir Model
EG1 to Y
Group, Rep, Time added to Construct model
Then, Rep(Group) & Random (by changing attributes to Random effect) [is this correct?]
Method: REML
Is this the way I have to perform?
If yes, How can I proceed ahead with multiple comparision Turky?
Because my output looks like this and which button I have to click for Mean separation?
In Effect details
I want to get the mean separation for each time point separately, as shown in the graph?
Time"0": what is the mean separation of Control /1mm/2mM
Time "1": etc.
And please tell me how did you create this graph in JMP?
Thank you for your kind support