Hello, I would like to improve the first graphic below (see data table enclosed first script attached).
I am in JMP17.2.0, using graph builder to display two Y variables (A & B) in function of X (Labo), with an interval for each value of Y by level of X (U de A & U de B).
I would like to have the two Y variables in the same axis, and not one below the other.
But when I drag and drop to have the same axis (second print screen), I can't put a different column for each interval: it takes only U de B as interval role.
Can you help me please ?
Graphic ok with A below B on Y axis:
Graph Builder(
Size( 660, 666 ),
X( :Labo ),
Y( :B ),
Y( :A ),
Interval( :U de A ),
Interval( :U de B )
Elements( Position( 1, 1 ), Points( X, Y, Interval( 2 ), Legend( 70 ) ) ),
Elements( Position( 1, 2 ), Points( X, Y, Interval( 1 ), Legend( 74 ) ) ),
Dispatch( {}, "Graph Builder", FrameBox, {Reference Line Order( 4 )} )
Graphic NOT ok with A & B on same Y axis: same column for Interval
Graph Builder(
Size( 660, 666 ),
X( :Labo ),
Y( :B ),
Y( :A, Position( 1 ) ),
Interval( :U de A ),
Interval( :U de B )
Elements( Points( X, Y( 1 ), Y( 2 ), Interval( 2 ), Legend( 70 ) ) )
You can do the same thing you did with separate Y-axis by adding two point plots
It is still saying it is just using one column for intervals, but I'm quite sure it is using both
You can do the same thing you did with separate Y-axis by adding two point plots
It is still saying it is just using one column for intervals, but I'm quite sure it is using both
Many many thanks !