Dear Mark,
Thank you so much, so quickly and on a weekend, you guys are amazing.
Yes this is pretty much my design, although each individual is measured not 3 times but more like 300 times (velocity recorded every second for 5 min and it varies quite a bit as individuals swim, rest, swim again, etc.). Of course these 300 measurements are not quite independent observations, but I feel they still can be used to estimate the difference between individuals. (Two adjacent measurement at not independent at all, but over a couple of cycles of swimming and resting perhaps they are).
Yes, sure, I started out by averaging speed for each individual and using individuals as replicates. But I would also like to be able to report that individuals within genotypes are quite different. So I'd like to use MS rather than REML method, because REML does not test random effects.
So when I did it exactly the way you show, with individuals given unique IDs, and genotype and T as full factorial effects and Individual as random non-interacting block effect. And I am getting a lot of singularities and missing DFs, as if JMP was trying to cross individuals to genotype and T, when using MS. (Everthing fine in REML).
Perhaps I cannot estimate the significance the Individual effect in the same model and should do it in a separate analysis, say for each T separately and nested within genotypes?
Thanks again for your advise!