Here is a script that should be a good start in creating what you want
Names Default To Here( 1 );
// Open a sample data table
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/semiconductor" );
// Run the Correlation Platform to get the data
mult = dt << Multivariate(
Y( :NPN1, :PNP1, :PNP2, :NPN2, :PNP3, :IVP1 ),
Estimation Method( "Row-wise" ),
Matrix Format( "Square" ),
Scatterplot Matrix( 0 ),
Pairwise Correlations( 1 )
// Create data tables of the stats required
dtCorr = Report( mult )["Correlations"][Matrix Box( 1 )] << make into data table(invisible);
dtSig = Report( mult )["Pairwise Correlations"][Table Box( 1 )] << make into data table(invisible);
// Delete the Row Name column, not wanted in analysis
dtCorr << delete columns( 1 );
// Set the 100 colors to be used to color the graph
colorMatrix = [-16558990, -16558990, -16557962, -16557962, -16557191, -16557191, -16556419, -16556419, -16555391,
-16555391, -16554619, -16554619, -16553848, -16553848, -16553076, -16553076, -16552048, -16552048, -16551277,
-16551277, -16550506, -16550506, -16549735, -16549735, -16548964, -16548964, -16547936, -16547936, -16481629,
-16481629, -16480858, -16480858, -16480087, -16480087, -16479316, -16479316, -16478288, -16478288, -16477517,
-16477517, -16476746, -16476746, -16410184, -16410184, -16343621, -16343621, -16277315, -16277315, -16210752,
-16210752, -16144190, -16144190, -16077628, -16077628, -16011321, -16011321, -15944759, -15944759, -15878196,
-15878196, -15811634, -15811634, -15745328, -15745328, -15678765, -15678765, -15612459, -15612459, -15415082,
-15415082, -15217705, -15217705, -15020328, -15020328, -14822951, -14822951, -14625829, -14625829, -14428452,
-14428452, -14231075, -14231075, -14099234, -14099234, -13901857, -13901857, -13704735, -13704735, -13507358,
-13507358, -13309981, -13309981, -13113116, -13113116, -12916508, -12916508, -12719643, -12719643, -12522778,
// Get the column names in the Corr data table
columnNamesList = dtCorr << get column names( string );
// Create the output
nw = New Window( "Correlations",
gb = Graph Box(
Frame Size( 800, 800 ),
X Scale( 0, N Col( dtCorr ) + 2 ),
Y Scale( 0, N Rows( dtCorr ) + 2 ),
// Loop across the the rows and columns to find the correlation values and plot the results
For( x = 1, x <= N Cols( dtCorr ), x++,
For( y = 1, y <= N Rows( dtCorr ), y++,
// Find the color to use from the color matrix
fc = Abs( Floor( (dtCorr[y, x] * 100) + .5 ) );
If( fc < 1, fc = 1 );
fcc = colorMatrix[fc];
// Set the color
Eval( Parse( "Fill Color(" || Char( fcc ) || ");" ) );
Pen Color( "black" );
// create the output square
xlist1 = Matrix( x ) || Matrix( x ) || Matrix( x + 1 ) || Matrix( x + 1 );
xlist2 = Matrix( N Cols( dtCorr ) + 1 - y ) || Matrix( N Cols( dtCorr ) + 1 - y + 1 ) ||
Matrix( N Cols( dtCorr ) + 1 - y + 1 ) || Matrix( N Cols( dtCorr ) + 1 - y );
Polygon( xlist1, xlist2 );
// Draw a line around the square
Line( xlist1, xlist2 );
// Add the "*" for significant correlations, by going through the significant data table
Text Color( "Black" );
Text Size( 20 );
For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( dtSig ), i++,
If( dtSig:Signif Prob[i] <= .05,
textList = {};
Insert Into( textList, Loc( columnNamesList, dtSig:Variable[i] )[1] + .5 );
Insert Into( textList, N Cols( dtCorr ) + 1 - Loc( columnNamesList, dtSig:by Variable[i] )[1] + .5 );
Text( Center Justified, textList, "*" );
textList = {};
Insert Into( textList, Loc( columnNamesList, dtSig:by Variable[i] )[1] + .5 );
Insert Into( textList, N Cols( dtCorr ) + 1 - Loc( columnNamesList, dtSig:Variable[i] )[1] + .5 );
// Write the symbol in the middle of the square
Text( Center Justified, textList, "*" );