Hi @teng_yems,
Do you know how to navigate the display tree structure in JSL? The first step is going to be getting a handle on the table box that you want to convert to a data table. This link shows you how to view the display tree: https://www.jmp.com/support/help/14/view-the-display-tree.shtml
Once you know which display box you want, you can attach a handle to it like so:
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
//cont_win is the window containing the contingency report. You must use the "<< Report" message to get the window instead of the Contingency object
cont_win = (dt << Contingency( Y( :Age ), X( :sex ), Make Into Data Table ))<< Report;
//table1 will reference the table with Rsquare(U) and -loglik
table1 = cont_win["Tests"][TableBox(1)];
In this example, I first navigate down to the outline box titled "Tests" to make sure I get the right table boxes. Being more specific will make sure your code is more robust. Then within the "Tests" outline box, I grab the first TableBox element.
Now, to make that table into a data table, check out the "Make Into Data Table" command in the Scripting Index (Help > Scripting Index). I bet you can put the pieces together to get first table you are after and can then write the code to get the table with Loglikelihood and Pearson test results into a data table as well.
-- Cameron Willden