I'm trying to display some information in a Table Box in a display window. The text in one cell is so long that it extends the column width but does not wrap the text to extend the cell height. Is there a way to change this in the script so that the cell is taller and not wider?
This is an example of my current script:
longstring =
"In the loveliest town of all, where the houses were white and high \!Nand the elms trees were green and higher than the houses, where the front yards were \!Nwide and pleasant and the back yards were bushy and worth finding out about, \!Nwhere the streets sloped down to the stream and the stream flowed \!Nquietly under the bridge, where the lawns ended in orchards and the orchards ended \!Nin fields and the fields ended in pastures and the pastures climbed the hill and \!Ndisappeared over the top toward the wonderful wide sky, \!Nin this loveliest of all towns Stuart stopped to get a drink of sarsaparilla.";
string2 = "The End.";
nw = New Window( "Display",
tb = Table Box(
string_col1 = String Col Box( "MyString", {longstring} ),
string_col2 = String Col Box( "Column2", {string2} )
I've tried Set Height, Set Width, and Set Min/Max Size, but haven't found a way to get the cell any taller than one line. Open to suggestions, thanks!